The new site has now gone live, although there is still plenty of material to transfer from the old layout. The wills are taking some time to transition across as they will be served from the database, which will be much faster than the old html text.
The new site is a wordpress php layout using a gravit child theme customised by me.
The tree data is being tested using various programs. The Ged2Html program I used on the old site is no longer supported. I experimented with embedding TNG php coding within the wordpress theme, however I use Ancestry Family Tree Maker 2014 as my main Genealogy program, and TNG does not really like the GEDCOM exports from FTM. GRAMPS is currently being tested and data in the trees will appear using that for the time being.
All records are now served direct from the backbone SQL database using tablepress plugin.
I will be testing the site and adjusting settings over the next few days and completing the transfer of the data from the old website pages.