
John Strudwicke of Chiddingfold, yeoman, snr., weak 13 Jul 1691

to my wife Mary Strudwicke liberty to come and go from the parlour in my house in Sydenhurst, Chiddingfold and have said room for life, a bedstead, a featherbed, a bolster, a coverlet, two blankets, three pairs of sheets, iron pot, two firkins, four pewter dishes, two porringers, two kivers, a brass kettle, use of a warming pan for life and £40;

to my son Thomas Strudwicke messuage etc. Catsprey and West Land, Chiddingfold permitting my wife to cut and fell four cords of wood p.a. for life;

to my son Thomas a bedstead, mill puff ped and its trappings and three pairs of sheets,

to my daughter Mary Strudwicke £120 in two years and three pairs of sheets;

residue with land Ansteadbrook [in Ms ‘Anstrood’] and Sydenhurst, Chiddingfold to my son John, exec.

Overseers: brother in law John Colebrooke; Anthony Colebrooke

Witnesses: John Wakeford; Mary Puttocke (X); John Tanner

Proved: 20 Nov 1691 to exec. [DW/PA/7/16 Q.24; DW/PA/5/1691/129] (£26 17s)