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In the name of God Amen I Robert Stradwicke of the pish of St Martin in the feilds in the County of Sussex Food Cooke being something infirm of body but of sound memory (praised bee God) Doe make and Ordaine my last will and testamt in manner following (vizt)

My Soul to the mercy of Almighty God hoping for pardon of my sinns & life everlasting through the only merritts of my saviour Jesus Christ

My body to the earth decently to bee buried in Covent garden Church yard

My Estate I dispose of as followeth Imprimis

I give and bequeath unto the three daughters of John Bonnde & Katherin his wife of Fitcham in the County of Surry Husbandman the summ of fifty pounds a peece to bee paid them at their severall Ages of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage And if any of them shall dye before their said Ages or marriage then the legacy of her so dying to bee paid to the survivor & survivors of them share and share alike

Nevertheless my will & mind is that my Executors hereafter mentioned shall soe soone as they shall get in my estate pay the said severall legacies to such person & persons as shallbee chosen Guardians of the said three daughters giving security to my executor to pay the said legacies as aforesaid & in the xxxx xxxx interest & provided thereof to goe towards the maintenance and education of the said three daughters and the survivor & survivors of them

Item I hereby give & bequeath unto the foure children of Jeremy Ffreeland & Elizabeth his wife of Oakham in the County of Surry husbandman the summ of five & twenty pounds a peece to bee paid soe soone as my estate can bee gotten in

Item I hereby give & bequeath unto James & Henry Babb sonns of Henry Babb of Pickadilly in the said pish of St Martin in the feilds Coachman the summ of five and twenty pounds a peece

Item I hereby give unto the said Henry Babb the elder all my wearing apparell

Item I hereby give & bequeath to John Kirbye of the pish of St Clement Danes in the Said County of Middlesex butcher All such sume and summes of money as is or shallbee due or owing to me for my place or office of Oven broach? at Whithall

Item I hereby give & bequeath unto my two Bxxfxxd brothers Barnard & Thomas Stradwick one shilling a peece.

Item I hereby make & ordayne the said John Kirbye & Henry Babb the elder Executor of this my will revoking all former will & testament

In witness whereof I the said Robert Strasdwicke have to this my last will & testament set my hand & seal this five & twentieth day of September An Dom 1688 and in the five & thirtieth year of the reigne of our Sovereign Lord King Charles the second of England

Robert Strowik

Signed Sealed and delivered published and declared by the said Robt Stradwicke to bee his last will and testament in the presence of

William Burnard Petter Compton Thomas Kingh

Made this 2nd October 1688 by the above mentioned Robert Stradwicke doe declare this paper to bee as a codicill to be annexed to my will and testament above written and to be taken as part and parcell thereof And these xxx xxx to this intent & purpose that wheras I have given and bequeathed to the three children of John Bonnde & Katherin his wife now I doe hereby declare that I was mistaken in the christian name of the said John Bonnde whose christian name is Gwillam I therofore give the said severall legacees to the 3 daughters ot the said Gw. Bonnde in as full xxx sxxxx manner as the same legacies are given to the 3 daughters of the said John Bonnde witness my hand & seal the day & year above written

Robert Stroudwick