
In the name of God Amen I Henry Strudwicke Clerk rector of Alford in the County of Surry do make my last will and testament in manner and fform following and principally i commend my soul to God hoping to be saved by the death of jesus Christ and I order my body to be decently buried and as concerning my worldly estate I give and dispose thereof as followeth to wit

Whereas by certain articles of agreement made on my Marriage with my present wife therein called Betty Napper daughter of Mr John Napper I do therein and thereby covenant and agree that in case the said Marriage took place that the sum of nine hundred pounds part of the MArriage portion of the said Betty should be laid out on the purchase of freehold lands and hereditaments to be settled to and amongst the younger children of me by the said Betty lawfully to be begotten equally between them as tenants in commom and whereas I have two younger children of the said Marriage but the said nine hindred pounds hath not been laid out on lands according tothe said articles but the same remains to be divided between the said younger children to wit John Strudwicke and Mary the now wife of James Coates of Chiddingfold in the said County Surgeon and the said John Strudwicke hath for some time past had and received the sum of four hundred and fifty pounds being his full part and share of the said nine hundred pounds and the other four hundred and fifty pounds the other part and in full of the said nine hundred pounds and now laid out and invested in the consolidated stocks of the three percent annuities being the share and part of my said daughter mary Now I do hereby give and bequeath wil and direct that the said four hindred and fifty so had and received by my said son John shall remain continue and be to and for the sole use and benefit of my said son John his executors and administrators on this condition that he do and shall from and after my decease pay to my loving wife betty and her assigns interest for the same at the rate of four pounds per cent per annum durimg her natural lifeAnd I will that he my said son John do and shall give to her my wife a good and sufficient security for the payment of the said interest immediately as soon as the same can be prepared and the said sum of four hindred and fifty pounds now invested in the said stock I do hereby give will and direct shall be paid to my said daughter Mary the wife of the said James Coates to and for her sole use and benefit which i do intend to transfer to her as soon as possibly I can On this condition that the said James Coates do and shall give to my said wife a good and sufficient security for the payment to her my said wife the yearly sum of ten pounds of lawful English Money clear of all deductions for the term of her natural life after my decease by half yearly payment which I will and direct shall be given as soon as such transfer can be made or she my said daughter shall receive the said four hindred and fifty pounds

Also I give and devise all those my Coppyhold Lands and hereditaments with the appurtenances lying and being in the said parish of Alford and held in the manor of Shalford Bradston (which I have surrendered to the use of my last will) unto my said son John Strudwicke and Daughter Mary the wife of James Coates and their heirs equally between them to be divided share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and all and every my household goods and impliments of household plate linnen and ffurniture of wwhat kind soever I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife Betty and all and every my outdoor stock goods chattels Cattle Rights Credits fines demands ready money and personal estate whatsoever and whersoever after payment of my just debts and ffuneral expenses I give and bequeath unto my said wife Betty whom I hereby make nominate constitute and appopint full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament

And i hereby revoke all former wills by me heretofore mande In testimony whereof i have to this my last will and testament contained in two sheets of paper set my hand and seal to each sheet this fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty three Henry Strudwicke

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Henry Strudwicke the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereof in the presence of the said testator and in the sight of one another The mark of Ann Shepperd Servant to Mr Strudwick Philip Guilliam Hen Wesly

Probatum 21 January 1764 to Betty Strudwicke Relict