
1743 Thomas Strudwick Seaman

I do hereby voluntarily and freely Give unto my dear nephew Ensign Edmd Strudwick in regard for the love and affection I have for him and the kind behaviour to me all and whatsoever he has of mine be they of what kind or nature soever in his custody or care at Mr Debours a ffrench Bakers in King Street by the seven Sqalls

and also do give unto him all my other things that I left at ffarmer Deans at Bishopstoke in Hampshire and at my death I do also hereby give and bequeath unto my said Nephew Edmd Strudwick all and every thing else that I now have or may have then or are any wise belonging to me of what kind or nature whatsoever

as witness my hand at London this twenty ninth day of November 1738 Tho~s Strudwick witness John Wiseman Henry Xxxxxx

On the third day of November in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and forty three Administration with a will annexed of the goods chattells and credits of Thomas Strudwick Esquire late of the parish of Saint Ann Westminster in the county of Middlesax but late captain in the regiment of Horse Commanded by lieutenant General Honeywood in fflanders a batchelor deceased was granted to Edmund Strudwick Esq the Nephew and universall legatee named in the said will (for that no executor is named therein being firts sworn duly to administer the same.

**Death 10 May 1743 reported in the Gentlemans Magazine [274]