
In the name of God Amen the xx day of August in the year of our Lord god 1550 I John Strydwyke in the pish of Shepley seck in Bodye prfyc of memory do ordeyn and make this my last will and testament in man’ and form folowing says I bequethe my sowell to almyghti god my maker & redem’ and my bode to the earth xxx xxx it should pleas the lord

Item I bequeth to the pore xxx xxx in the church of Shepley xx

Item I bequethe to Thom’s xxxxx & John Bullyn all my bargayne of Woode in lease

Item I bequethe to John Puttocke x mark in xxxx monye worthe

Item to Xxxx Puttocke 20s

Item to John Tykner my godson xxxx xxxx

Item I bequethe to Thomas Wells a parcell of tymber that I have at ‘??urpsto?’ excepted out of the same tymber to William Shude xx

The rest of my goods my debts payde and my will fulfilled I gyve unto John Bullyn and he to be executor of this my last will & testament and Thomas Welles to be overseer to see the promysses treuly executed and fulfilled and to have for this as is aforesaid

In witness hereof Richard Ireland clarke Thomas Prest Willm Shudd John Bullyn with cxxin others