Sentence for the validity of the will of Mary Strudwick of Holborn
In the name of God Amen, We John Bettesworth Doctor of laws Master Keeper Commissary of the Prerogatory Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted rightly and duly proceeding having heard seen understood and fully and maturely discussed the merits and circumstances of a certain business in proving in common form the last will and testament of Mary Strudwick (wife of Henry Strudwick esq.) late of the Parish of St Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex deceased which is now controverted and and remains undetermined before us in judgement between William Winde esq. The surviving executor named in the said Will the party promoting the said business of the one part and Henry Strudwick the husband of the said deceased the party against whom the said business is promoted on the other part in the party’s aforesaid lawfully appearing before us in judgement by their proctors respectively and the Proctor of the said William Winde praying sentence to be given for and justice be done to his party and the Proctor of the said Henry Strudwick also earnestly praying justice to be done to his party and having carefully and diligently searched into and considered of the whole proceedings had and done before us in this business and having observed all and singular matters and things and by law in this behalf ought to be observed we have thought fit and do thus think fit to proceed to the giving our definitive sentence or final decree in this business in manner and form following
( to wit) for as much as we have by the acts enacted deduced alleged exhibited propounded proved and confessed in this cause found and clearly discovered that the Proctor of the said William Winde have sufficiently and fully founded and proved his intention deduced in a certain allegation and last will and testament of the said Mary Strudwick deceased and other pleadings and exhibits given or exhibited and committed on his behalf in this business and now remaining in the Registry of this Court (which said allegation last will and testament of the said deceased and other matters propounded exhibited and admitted in this business we have and will have taken as if here read and inserted) for us to pronounce as hereinafter mentioned and that nothing at least effectual hath on the part or behalf of the said Henry Strudwick being excepted deduced or exhibited propounded proved or confessed in this business which may or ought in any ways defeat prejudice or weaken the intention of the said William Winde
Therefore we John Bettesworth doctor of laws the judge aforesaid first calling upon God and setting him alone before our eyes and having heard counsel thereupon do pronounce decree and declare that the aforesaid Mary Strudwick the testatrix in this cause deceased whilst living being of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding rightly and duly made her last will and testament in writing exhibited and pleaded in this business bearing date the 23rd day of January in the year of our lord 1730 and thereof named and appointed the said William Winde (and also the worshipful Exton Sayers doctor of laws and Charles Bayliffe both since deceased) executors and did give will bequeath and do in all things as therein is contained and we pronounce decree and declare for the force and validity of the said last will and testament of the said deceased by this our definitive sentence or final decree which we give and pronounce by these present
George Paul J. Bettesworth
This definitive sentence was read given and promulgated the validity of the said Will the said deceased by the right worshipful John Bettesworth Doctor of laws Master Keeper Commissary of the Prerogatory Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the 13th day of November in the year of our lord 1734 in the Common called Doctors, and situated in the Parish Saint Clement near Pauls Wharf London in presence of the witnesses mentioned and specified in the acts of Court thereupon had and sped