
1699 William 452 108

In the name of God Amen I William Strudwick of the Parish of St Bow in Cheapsode London Citizen and Clothworker doe make and declare this my last will and testament in manner following

first I give my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hopeing through the alone merits and death of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to obtail full remission of all my sins and to be received into bliss which he hath purchased and prepared for believers and my body I committ to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors and for what worldly estate God hath been pleased to intrust me with far above my deserts I give and bequeath as following (Viz)

I give unto my son William Strudwick one thousand pounds and to my son Lucy Strudwick one thousand pounds and to my daughter Jane Strudwick one thousand pounds and to each of my children a hundred pounds a peice more which their mother Jane Strudwick desired might be given them which said summes of money shall be outt out for improvement for my said three children by my executors untill they come to the age of one and twenty years but with all would have them marry with the consent of my said executors

And whereas I have before my marriage by Indenture bearing date the tenth day of December last past settled my houses at Holborn Bridge commonly called or knowne by the name of The Beehive now in possession of John Butler Grocer and the Backhouse thereunto adjoyning and now in the possession of William Hopkins Cooper unto the use of my selfe for life and after my decease to the use of my loveing wife Letitia Strudwick for her selfe with divers Remainders over

And Whereas I have thereby covenanted and agreed that the said houses then were an after my death should continue unto my said wife dureing her life of the full and clear yearly value of seaventy and eight pounds And that in case the said houses should by fire or by any otherwaies or meanes become of less value than seaventy and eight pounds per annum And that in such case my heirs executors or administrators should pay unto my said wife so much mony yearly as should make the rents and profits of the premisses amount unto seaventy and eight pounds taxes included

Now my will is that in case there should at any time happen any defect of the said value dureing the life of my said wife that such deficiency shall be made up by my said children proportionable out of the estates and legacies hereby given to them

Item in case my said wife shall be with child at the time of my decease and such child shall be born alive then my will is and I doe hereby appoint that my executors shall sell my house at Beckles and the house on the Old Bayley (which is halfe mine and the other halfe my brother George Strudwick) commonly called or known by the name of the Fflyeing Hogg and that the money raised by such sale shall out of the residue of my estate be made up seaven hundred pounds and be put out by executors for the use and benefit of such child and in case my said wife shall not be with child at the time of my decease then my will is that the said houses at Beckles and in the Old Bayley shall be sold by my executors and the mony arising by such sale to be equally divided amongst my said Children

Item I doe give unto my said wife five hundred pounds and do desire her at her decease to dispose of the said five hundred pounds to and amongst my children in such manner and proportion as she shall think fitt And my will is that my said wife shall have the tuition of my said daughter Jane Strudwick during her minority and doe appoint my executors to allow her what is convenient for the board cloaths and maintenance of my said daughter dureing her minority and my will further is that y said wife should not be anyways molested or troubled by any of my friends or executors for or concerning any of her estate or porcon but that she should peaceably and quietly enjoy and dispose of the same according to the purport of the articles of agreement between us before our marriage

Item I give and bequeath my Lands at Saffron Walden in the County of Essex known by the name of Sewers End in the possession of Samuel Clark whereof part is ffreehold part coppyhold to my son William Strudwick and to the heirs of his body lawfully to be forgotten he payeing to his sister Jane Strudwick two hundred pounds more out of the estate And for default of such issue To Lucy Strudwick my second son and the heirs of his body lawfully to be begotten he the said Lucy Strudwick payeing to his sister Jane Strudwick four hundred pounds out of his estate and for default of such issue to my daughter Jane Strudwick and to the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten and for default of such issue I give the said lands to George Strudwick and William Strudwick two sons of George Strudwicke my brother share and share alike and if either of them happen to dye before they come to the age of one and twenty years the other to have his share or halfe part thereof

Item i give my houses at Hampstead unto my son Lucy Strudwick and his heirs in case he shall be of the age of one and twenty years at the time of my decease But in case I shall dye before my said son shall attain his age of one and twenty years then I devise the said houses to my executors upon trust That they shall sell the same as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and that the mony arising by such sale shall be put out and employed together with his other legacy hereby given for his use and benefit

Item i give to the widow Strudwick the late wife of William Strudwick of Herrings in the Parish of Kirdfod Sussex forty shillings

To Mr William Taylor Minister forty shillings

To Mr Cauthorne Minister forty shillings

To Mr Rogers Minister forty shillings

To Mr Reynolds Minister forty shillings

Item I give to my Aunt Jones six pounds per Annum dureing her naturall life to be paid out of my said childrens legacies and porcons share and share alike to be paid by quarterly payments that is to say thirty shillings a quarter from the day of my death without any trouble or charge dureing such time as my said Aunt Jones shall live

Item I give unto my Aunt Jones six children that is to say two sons and four daughters twenty shillings a peece

I doe release to my cosen Beatrix Clifton all summe or summes of money that she the said Beatrix Clifton oweth me being thirty and five pounds or thereabouts which said summe or summes of money given as aforesaid shall be paid by my executors in three moneths time after my decease or sooner excepting only the summe of six pounds per annum to my Aunt Jones which is to be paid to her as aforesaid

Item I give to the poore of the Parish of St Sepulchre London Within five pounds to be by the churchwardens distributed amongst them

And I give to some few friends that shall accompany me to the grave a gold ring a peece

And as for all the rest and residue of my personall estate which shall remaine after the payment of my debts, funerall charges and legacies in this my will and Codicill hereunto annexed and other charges ann incumberances on the premises I desire the same may be equally divided amongst my said three children or the survivor or survivors of them And I doe constitute and appoint my loveing Brother Lucy Knightley and Knightly Thompson my kinsman and Thomas Smith of St Clements to be my executors of this my last will and testament and doe desire them to act as executors hereof and to dispose and manage the trus in them hereby reposed and place the said monies out at Interest to the best benefit and advantage of my said child or children and to educate my said children in the feare of the Lord and to bring them up religiously and for theire care and trouble therein i give unto my said executors twenty guineas a peece and mourning

And my will is my said executors shall reimburse themselves what summe or summes of money shall reasonably be disbursed for the same out of each childs lkegacy in proporcon particularly hereby given for his or her maintenance and education and in case any loss shall happen by placeing out at interest any of the said summes of money soe given as aforesaid the same shall be equally sustained by my said Children and alsoe all other incident charges that shall happen according to theire severall proporcons and it being the desire of my late wife that such of my said children which should dye under the age of one and twenty yeares might be buried neare her Now my will and desire is that this request may be performed that my said children in case they should dye as aforesaid may be buried at Fforsly as neare my said wife as possible

And I doe desire that I may be buried with as much privacy as decency will admitt and that noe mourning be given but to such servants if any as shall attend my children

And I doe hereby revoke all former wills by me formerly made and doe publish and declare this to be my last will and testament containing five sheets of paper and at the bottom of each sheet I have subscribed my name and at the top of the first sheet and upon the last sheet have affixed my seale dated the twenty fourth day of ffebruary in the eleaventh yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne Lord William the third by the grace of God of England Scotland Ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the Ffaith Anno Dmi One thousand six hundred and ninety eight Wm Strudwick Signed Sealed published and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of Tho. Ward John Long James Pickering Signed sealed published and declared to be my last will and testament after the name Thomas Smith interlined as one of the executors and Codicill annexed hereunto in the presence of jane Challoner Martha Vaughan the marke of Margaret Wright

A codicill to the will to the will ffebr. 26 1699 hereunto annexed I give to my loveing wife Letitia Strudwick the pearle necklace a gold watch or xxx the best moehaire bed with quilt bedding chaires covers and other things thereunto belonging as elbow chaires a by a note given to her for it not haveing a widowes Chamber ffurnished Silver Tea pott Silver stones the sett silver castors the emrod ring with four diamonds the gold seale one paire silver candlesticks the tea table and alsoe mourning

To my son Wm. Strudwick the third of my Books the silver watch of his Mothers the short hand Testament the use of the receipt booke of his Mothers his Sister hath my seale with mine and his Mothers Coat of Armes on it.

To my son Lucy Strudwick the third of my books the silver watch 9 amounts silver knife and forke and spoone and case the use of the receipt booke of his Mothers his Sister hath witnes by John Long James Pickering William Strudwick the day above written

To my daughter Jane the xxxx of her Mothers with diamonds the gold watch and chane the mantell box and child bed linen therein two paire best holland sheets two paire best pillowbears the best chest drawers the filegrew looking glasse and settboxes to it the pearle ring the third part of the books all her Mothers needlework the eagle stone twelve dozen new o~ the red trunke ffilegrew table booke silver the gold currall gold buttons a ring of five diamonds in it the gold about her neck the chest drawers the dressing box the Japau for the Table the pictures for the closett the gold knife and forke the short hand receipt booke and Testament in short hand her cloths that are fitt for her the great easy chairs the wrought wosted bed chaires stooles covers and things thereunto belonging silver buckles embroidered purse swivells for the watch the Amber hour glass straw wrought box two copper lids little bible silver tooth picker a Mother pearl picture receipt booke but for the benefit of her Brothers alsoe

I give unto my Brother George Strudwick and his wife each of them a ring

and to Mr John Waller a ring

To my Sister Tonson a ring and to my Cosen George lloyd a ring

To Wm. Taylor a ring To my Mother Knightley a ring

To my uncle Dent a ring

To my Aunt Fferman a Ring

To my Aunt Dent a ring

To my Brother Turner and Doct~ Maplethorfth each a ring

To Mr Gyles Knightley and Madm~ Dent Knightley each of them a ring

All which above mentioned rings to be twenty shillings rings

Item I give unto Captain Ward a ring

To John Butler and Tho~ Templeman each of them a ring

To John Harris and Philip Woodward each of them a ring

To Mr Walter Kittly a ring

Which rings are to be of eight shilling Rings

Wm Strudwick Memorand this Codicill was annexed to the will of Mr William Strudwick at the time of his publishing the same will witness this third day of June one thousand six hundred ninety nine Jane Chaloner Martha Vaughan the marke of margaret Wright

Probatum 1699 to Knightley Thompson reserved also to Thomas Smith Lucy Knightley

1710 To Jane Strudwick ? margin note otherwise unreadable.