
In the name of God Amen I Wm. Strudwicke in the parish of Westborrow greene in the County of Sussex yeoman beinge sicke in body but of pfect sence & memory blessed bee God doe make & ordaine this my last will and testament in manner & forme following

First I bequeath my soul into the hands of God hopinge to bee saved by the merritts of Christ & my body to bee decently buryed att the discretion of my extrix hereafter named

Item I give to my son Thomas Strudwicke of Hendon in the County of Surry husbandman the summ of five shillg to bee paid within six months after my decease

Item I give to the poor of the parrish of Westborrow greene who doe not take weekly collection the sum of ten shillg to bee paid within six months after my decease

Item wheras I am lawfully possessed of one Coppy hold meade commonly called by the name of Jayes meade beinge about one Acre more or less situate & beinge in the parish of Wisborrow Green aforesaid & whereas I have surrendered that said meade into the hands of two customary tent under the Lord Bishopp of Chichester to the intent & purpose of the Lord of that mannor would bee pleased to grant that said Meade to my dear & loveinge Joane Strudwicke towards the payment of my debts my Will & pleasure is that the said Joane Strudwicke my loveinge wife shall quietly have & possess the said meade to the intent & purpose aforesaid

Item All the rest of my goods & chattell my debts & legacyes & fund all expenses beinge first paid & discharged I doe freely give & bequeath unto my dear & loveinge wife Joane Strudwicke whom I doe make & ordaine the sole extrix of this my last will & testament

In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this eighth day of May in the year of our Lord God 1676 Wm Strudwicke by him the said Wm. Strudwicke in the presn of Thomas Oram his mark John Grinnyard

Probatum 1676 to Joanna Strudwicke widow the relict