Memorandum that uppon the five & twentieth day of January in the yeare of our Lord according to the computacon of the Church of England 1665 John Strudwicke of Rogate in the County of Sussex yeoman being sicke in body but of good & pfect memory did make & declare his last will & testament nuncupative in the presence of divers credible witnesses in manner & forme in effect as followeth
That is to say ffirst hee gave & bequeathed unto Catherine Strudwicke his daughter fforty shillings in money & a feather bedd & all things thereabouts belonging
Item hee gave & bequeathed unto Susann Strudwicke his wife one shilling
And all the residue of his goods & chattells hee gave & bequeathed unto Joane Strudwicke his daughter whome hee willed & appointed to bee the executrix of this his last will & testament
In witness whereof wee whose names are subscribed have hereunto sett our hands the ffourteenth day of February in the said yeare 1665 -Richard Iffield? John Strudwicke
Probatum to Joanne Strudwicke Spinster February 1665