
John Strudwicke Kirdford 1635

In the name of god amen I John Strudwicke of Kirdford in the county of sussex being sicke in body but in good and clear memory thanks be to god doe make and ordayne my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say

ffirst and principally I commend my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator and my body to be buried in the churchyard of the parish church of kirdford aforesaid next to the rest of my friends at the discretion of my executors hereafter named

item: I give unto the poore of the parish church of Kirdford aforesaid 30s to be payed by myne executor within one month the next after my decease

item: I give and bequeath unto Henry Strudwicke my older brother thirtie & fower pounds

item: I give and bequeath unto my brother William Strudwicke 10 pounds

item: I give unto my brother Thomas Strudwicke thirtie pounds

item: I give unto my coson William Strudwicke of barkfold fortie shillings

item: I give unto my godchild John Woods fyve shillings

item: I give unto Jane Strudwicke daughter of the said Henry Strudwicke of Crowchland one silver spoone

item: I give unto Henry Strudwick sonne of the said Henry of Crowchland my bible

item: I give unto the sons as be of my cozon Wm. Strudwicke of Barkfold 10s to be divided amongst them at the discretion of myne executor

All the residue of my goods my funerall expenses being discharged I give and bequeath unto my brother Robt Strudwicke whom I make my sole executor and for the performance of this my will

I desire & nominate my said brother Henry Strudwicke and Wm Strudwicke of Barkfold to be myne overseers in witness thereof I have set my hand the 8th day of october 1635 John Strudwick, Jn the sonne of Henry Strudwicke, Wm Norton jun