
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Stridwick of Clarence House St George’s Ffields in the parish of St George the Martyr in the Borough of Southwark gentlemen being a sound and disposing mind memory and understanding of knowing the certainty of death but the uncertainty of the time thereof do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say)

Ffirst and principally I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator and most merciful father by whose infinite mercy through the merits satisfaction and intercession of the ever blessed Jesus Christ I verily believe to be saved and after this mortal life ended my body I commit to the earth to be decently and privately interred at the discretion of my wife Jemima Stridwick and as touching disposition of that worldly estate God has been pleased to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as follows (that is to say)

first I will and direct that my just debts and funeral expenses and charges of proving my will be paid and discharged

I give will and bequeath to my brother William Stridwick of the Borough of Southwark Labourer the sum of 100 pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to him the said William Stridwick within six calendar months next after my decease

Also I give will and bequeath to my brother Henry Stridwick of the Borough of Southwark aforesaid Hawker and Pedlar the sum of 50 pounds of like lawful money to be paid to him the said Henry Stridwick within 6 calendar months next after my decease and I do hereby charge the said legacies of 100 pounds and 50 pounds on the whole of my Estate and effects which I may die possessed of

And as touching and concerning all the rest and residue and remainder of my real and personal estate and effects of money in the funds or money lent upon any other securities household goods implements of household plate and linnen China and all other my effects of what nature or kind so ever the same may be and where so ever situated lying or being I do hereby give will devise and bequeath the same and every part or parcel thereof to my said wife Jemima Stridwick her heirs executors and administrators forever for her and their sole use and benefit and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever

and I do hereby make nominate constitute and appoint my very good friend William Case of the Poultry London Wholesale Linnen Draper and my said wife Jemima Stredwick executor and executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other will and Wills testaments and writings testamentary by me at any other time heretofore made And I do declare and publish this to be my last will and testament contained in two sheets paper together annexed to the first sheet thereof I the said Thomas Stridwick had set my hand and to the last sheet thereof have set my hand and affixed my seal the seventh day of March 25 In the year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of faith and so forth and in the year of our lord 1795 the mark of Thomas Stridwick

signed sealed and delivered published and declared by the testator Thomas Stridwick as and for his last will and testament in our presence and attested by us as witnesses thereto in his presence and in the sight and presence of each other Scott Walker, John White of Bell Savage Square Ludgate Hill, J.P. Glen the Clerk to Mr White.

probatum 26 March 1802 to Jemima Stridwick widow relict of the deceased (William Case the other executor named having renounced the execution of the will)