1787 Samuel Strudwick 1288 85
In the name of God Amen this is my last will and testament
I devise and bequeath to my dear wife Martha Strudwick all my plate jewels watches rings seals trinkets household furnitureĀ linen china carriages horses and implements of husbandry
I also give her all the money that may be in the house at the time of my death together with 1600 Spanish millea silver dollars
I also give her the use of my houses and plantations and gardens both in Orange and new Hanover Co forĀ life
I likewise give her the use of the following negros for the term of her life Cale Lovey Mamal Bobb the two Sillas Jenny Sue Phebe Pegg Flora and Sapho with full power to set free or exempt from work and assign them a subsistence upon the plantation xxx Silla Sapho and Bobb after her death to the end of their lives
I will and order that the rest of the negros be employed in country and plantation work under the direction of my wife and that the produce of their labour together with the profits of the mill be divided between my wife and my son in the following proportion that is to say two thirds to my wife during her life and one third the third to my son William Francis Strudwick the purchase money of any land that may be sold to be divided in like manner
I give and bequeath to my good friend Mrs Margery Bourget widow of Stephen Bourget Esquire lately living at Ffulham in England my houses and land in the city of London or liberties thereof in trust to be sold when Mr Vaughans annuity shall drop in and the money arising from such sale to be applied as follows
20 pounds to be laid out by her in some memorial of us such as she shall choose
100pounds to Mrs Ann Jones whose maiden name was Airsome sometime of Craythorn in Yorkshire in the Kingdom of Great Britain if she should be living when the event of Mr Vaughans death shall happen and the remainder to my wife and son in equal proportions
I give to Mrs Margaret Jones now living with me 60 Spanish Millea dollars a year during her natural life and 20 pounds a year sterling to Mrs Ann Jones above-mentioned
I will and bequeath to my son William Francis Strudwick all that is not above given away and all the rest residue reversion and remainder of my estate real and personal to him and his heirs forever but in case it should unfortunately happen that he should depart this life before his mother in that event I give devise and bequeath my whole estate real and personal to my wife unless my son should leave legitimate child or children behind him who I mean should then succeed to what would have descended to their father had he survived my wife to be disposed of by her in whatever manner she shall think proper
I appoint my wife Martha Strudwick my sole executrix and I hereby revoke annull and make void all former wills and codicils by me at any time heretofore made
I desire I may be interred in my own clothes and in as plain and private a manner as possible
Dated the fourth day of May in the year of our lord 1794 signed Samuel Strudwick signed sealed acknowledged and declared by the testator to be his last will and testament in the presence of the subscribed who in his presence and the presence of each other have set their names as witnesses thereto signed Gavin Alves Arnd Joulin William Hall
State in North Carolina New Hanover Co