Mentions of Strudwick as Jurors, Witnesses, Defendants and Prosecutors in the Old Bailey 1674-1834


The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Ref: f16940221-1

THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE King and Queens Commissions ON THE Peace, and Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol-Delivery of Newgate, held for the CITY of London, and COUNTY of Middlesex at Justice-Hall in the OLD-BAYLY,

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, being the 21st, 22d, and 23d Days of February, 1693/4. And in the Fifth Year of Their MAJESTIES Reign.

THE Sessions of Peace, and Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery of Newgate, held at Justice Hall in the Old-Bayly, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, being the 21st, 22d, and 23d Days of February, 1693/4. before the Right Honourable Sir William Ashhurst Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London, and Sir Salathiel Lovell Kt. Recorder of the said City, with several others of Their Majesties Justices for the City of London, and County of Middlesex:

The Jurors were as follow:

London Jury.

Thomas Pitts , John East , William Roove , John Strudwick , John Mardook , James Long , Henry Chapman , Samuel Booth , John Church , Charles Blackwell , Joseph Stretton , John Overton ,

Middlesex Jury.

Francis Chapman , John Mills , Henry Bradbury , Thomas Moody , Andrew Cooke , James Caquick , Samuel Browne , Robert Smith , Brian Turbervill , William Browne , Richard Fisher , Thomas Hollins ,


The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Ref: t17030115-9


William Brookes , of the Parish of St. Andrews Holborn, was indicted for Felony and Burglary, for breaking the House of Lettice Strudwick , on the first of December last, and taking thence 16 silver Spoons, a Pair of Holland-sheets, and divers other Goods of the said Lettice Strudwick, and a Pistole, 4 Guineas, and 26 s. in Money, from Dorothy Awker ; and a silk Hood and Scarf from Bellinda Hawton . The first Evidence deposed, That all was fast at 12 a clock, when she went to Bed, and in the Morning when she arose, about 6 or 7 a clock, found the Window broke open, and the Pantry-door, where the Goods were, with an Iron which was left behind. It appeared further, that when he was taken, and sent to New-Prison, that he confest that some of the Goods were sold to a Broker in Middle-Row in Holborn, where they were found; and also confest, that he took but 12 of the Spoons. Another Evidence deposed, That the Prisoner left a Spoon with her to pawn for 4 s. which was owned to be Mrs. Strudwick’s. Another Evidence deposed, That the Prisoner brought her some Kenting to make him some Handkerchiefs, which was owned to be part of the Goods that were lost. Another Evidence deposed, That the Prisoner brought her a Gown and Petticoat, and Furbellow-Scarf, which she sold for him for 20 s. and he received the Money. The Fact was plainly proved against him; and he had not any thing to say for himself; the Jury found him guilty of the said Felony and Burglary.


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Henry White , of Hanwel, was indicted upon two Indictments the first for stealing Linnen to the value of 5 s. the Goods of Henry Strudwick the 10th of April last. The second for stealing a shirt value 4 s. the Goods of John Harris the same day The Prosecutors deposed the Linnen was stollen out of their Yards as it was hanging to dry, and was found upon the Prisoner. The Prisoner pleaded he found it in the Road, but not proving it, the Jury found him guilty to the value of 10 d. on both Indictments .( Transportation .)




Richard Scurrier and William Philips , of S. Ann’s Westminster, were indicted for stealing a Riding-Hood value 5 s. the Goods of John Stradwick , on the 19th of January. Guilty to the Value of 10 d. each. Transpotation .


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330. William Pope , was indicted for stealing 30 yards of flanel, value 30 s. 100 yards of muslin, val. 8 l. the goods of John Hopley and others, May the 3 d.

John Hopley . I am a hosier, and deal in most sorts of woolen goods; this parcel of goods was directed to me, coming by the Rochester-coach, I receiv’d a letter of their coming, but the night they came to the inn I had word brought me by the porter of the inn that they were stolen.

Richard Stradwick . I am the Rochester coachman, I did not come with the coach that day, but I was then at the Spread-eagle in Grace-church-street , and help’d down with the goods.

Mary Medcalf . My husband is a porter and bookkeeper. On Wednesday-night the 3d of May these goods came in to Mr. Hopley and Company, Hs, by the coach, while I was stooping to read another direction, this parcel was lying part in the warehouse, and part out; I saw the prisoner at the bar take the parcel by one corner I was surpriz’d, and follow’d him, but had not power to call out for help; he drag’d it about twenty yards ; at last I cry’d out , stop thief! and some persons there seized him.

Prisoner’s Defence. I was going to do my occasions in the yard, this parcel stood up on one end, and fell down, and she call’d out, thives directly, and they came and took hold of me.

Guilty 39s .


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74. Thomas Meridith was indicted, for that he unlawfuly, knowingly, and designedly, did obtain from Thomas Strudwick one shilling, the property of Thomas Lewis ; and of William Stebs , one other shilling; and from other people, several sums of money, by false pretences . No evidence appeared. Acquitted .


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144, 145, 146, 147. JOHN READ , ELIZABETH EYRE , MARY JAMES , and SARAH FORD were indicted, the two first for stealing a portmanteau trunk, value 2 s. a black crape gown, value 5 s. a black quilted stuff petticoat, value 2 s. 6 d. a black silk cloak, trimmed with love riband, value 20 s. a cotton bed-gown, value 5 s. three muslin aprons, value 5 s. six muslin handkerchiefs, value 6 s. three linen shirts, value 12 s. three pair of cotton stockings, value 3 s. and a pair of worsted stockings, value 1 s. the property of Dudley Warren , spinster; a black silk cloak trimmed with love riband, value 20 s. a black silk apron trimmed with love riband, value 1 s. a pair of womens’ black stuff shoes, value 1 s. six muslin handkerchiefs, value 6 s. three linen shifts, value 10 s. three pair of cotton stockings, value 3 s. the property of Catherine Richmond Strudwick , spinster; a small silver candlestick, value 10 s. a silver soup-spoon, value 10 s. a silver punch-ladle, value 5 s. a silver snuff-box, value 2 s. a pair of silver shoe-buckles, value 2 s. a silver stock-buckle, value 2 s. a paste stock-buckle set in silver, value 2 s. and a silver tea-spoon, value 1 s. the property of Jannet Irwine , spinster; and the other two for receiving parcels of the above goods, well knowing them to have been stolen , against the statute, &c. December 17th.


On the 7th of December I came from Cambridge in the diligence: I delivered my portmanteau trunk to the coachman, and I saw it fastened behind; it contained the things mentioned in the indictment; when we came to the inn in town the trunk was missing.


I came up in the diligence with Mrs. Warren: I put the things in the trunk and saw it fastened behind the carriage; I know nothing of the prisoners.


I was standing at the corner of Mutton-lane, Clerkenwell-green: I followed John Read till he came within about four or five doors of Hatton-garden, there I saw him take the trunk from behind the carriage which was going to the White Horse in Fetter-lane; a hackney-coach was called and the trunk put into it, and the coachman was ordered to drive to Moor-lane; I followed the diligence and gave information of it.


I am a constable: I went with the driver of the diligence and another man to find the man that took the trunk from behind the diligence; they said they knew him; we went and searched almost every alehouse in Tenter-alley; at last we saw the prisoner Read; they said that was the man; I took him into custody; they said it would be better for him to restore the property and there should be no more said about it; he desired the rest might go out of the house and he would tell me.

COURT. We cannot hear what he said in consequence of such a promise? – He took the master of the diligence and me into a room where part of the trunk was burning upon the fire (it was produced).

Prosecutrix. That is part of the portmanteau; there is the direction upon it in my own hand-writing.

[The things found in the room where the trunk was burning were produced in Court and deposed to by Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Strudwick.]


I was with the last witness: when the man took us into the room I saw the things thrown about upon a place like a taylor’s board; I gave the constable charge of him and Sarah Ford ; while we were there Mary James and Elizabeth Eyre came in; I then thought it necessary to call in Roberts; he came in and said Elizabeth Eyre was present when he took the trunk from behind the carriage.

To ROBERTS. Elizabeth Eyre was with him when he took the trunk?

BELAMY. Then I gave charge of her; Mary James said she knew nothing of the people in the lodging, only the old woman was a washerwoman, and she came after some things she had of hers.


I am a pawnbroker: I took in some things of the prisoner James by the name of Mary Read ; a gown, cloak, and apron for 18 s. and some ruffles, handkerchiefs, and other trifling things for 5 s. the same day.

[They were produced in Court and deposed to by Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Strudwick.]


I am the driver of the diligence: I set a gentleman down at Enfield-chase; the trunk was safe then; it was missing when we came to the inn.


I was at the coach-stand in Holborn: somebody in Hatton-garden called, Coach; I went with the coach; I saw Read and Eyre by the coach; Read had a portmanteau in his hand; I opened the door and put the trunk in the coach; the man and woman got in; he ordered me to tell the coachman to drive to Moor-lane; several persons came to me afterwards and asked me where the coach went to? I asked them, what business they had with it? a young man said he saw the trunk cut from behind the diligence; then I told them, and we went and found them out.


Coming down Hatton-garden I saw the trunk lying in the middle of the road and took it up.


I met with Read in Hatton-garden; I stopped a little with a young woman and then went on; I saw him at a distance pick the trunk up; when I came up to him he asked me to ride home with him: I know nothing of it.

To ROBERTS. How did they unfasten it? – It was dusk; I was at a distance; I did not see how he unfastened it, but I saw him take it in his hands; the woman was at the horse’s head.


I called at the house, and Read asked me to pawn some things for him.


I happened to be in the room when they came in: I know nothing of it.

‘Read called two witnesses who gave him a

‘good character.’

From the Jury to Baker. Did you secure Mary James at the time the trunk was on the fire? – No; I took them on the Saturday night; on Sunday I took James.

Was she present at the time the trunk was burning? – She came up while I was searching the room.




Tried by the London Jury before Mr. RECORDER.


The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Ref: t17820911-87


571. CHARLES POTTS and ELIZABETH POTTS were indicted for that they on the 31st of May last did feloniously receive thirteen pieces of printed Cotton, containing one hundred and one yards, value 10 l. five pieces of printed linen, containing thirty-one yards, value 5 l. part of the goods feloniously stolen, the property of William Strudwick , knowing them to have been stolen .

Accquitted for want of prosecution .


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917. JOHN MARTIN was indicted for stealing, on the 23d of July, one iron crow, value 6 d. the property of Thomas Strudwick .



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331. JOHN TATNELL was indicted for feloniously stealing on the 21st of November, a piece of Russia sheeting, value 6 l. twenty eight yards of Russia sheeting, value 4 l. thirty yards of Russia duck, value 4 l. 10 s. five pound weight of packthread. value 6 s. and six hand brushes, value 4 s. the property of John Butts .

The case was stated by Mr. Bolland.

WILLIAM STUDWICK . Q. I believe you superintend Mr. Butts’s business. – A. I do.

Q. Had you the care of the accompting house. – A. I had, I left it locked, and the windows were all safe. I was the last person that was in it.

Q. Did it contain property in it. – A. Yes.

Q. State to the court what property was in it. – A. One piece of Russia sheeting, and one piece that something was cut-off, and thirty yards of Russia duck, about half an hundred weight of sailing twine, and eleven balls of packthread.

Q. You left this property there on the evening of the 20th. – A. Yes. When I came between seven and eight in the morning, there were four squares of the window frame broken in, so that a man could get in; I found on going in several things displaced. I found both the desks broken open, but nothing in the desk was taken, but all the things I have mentioned were gone. On the 3d of March, eleven balls of packthread, and nine balls of twine.

Q. Had the prisoner ever worked for Mr. Butts. – A. Yes, he drove one of Mr. Butts’s teams, from the 4th of May, till the 11th of July.

Q. Did he use to come to the accompting house to be paid. – A. Yes.

Q. Do you know in whose service he was at the time of the robbery was committed. – A. He worked at Mr. Moorin’s.

Q. In consequence of the property that was brought to you, what did you proceed to do. – A. I procured a search warrant; I searched the prisoner’s house on the 8th of March, accompanied with the constable Evans, John Willan , and my son; the constable and Evans entered his room first; they found these pieces of Russia shetting, some of them in pieces, as if a woman was at work at them. I found a piece of Russia duck, some of which was made into a bed tick.

Q. How much of the Russia duck was there in all – A. Thirty yards; one sheet was made of it, and the piece that was left corresponded with that made up in sheeting and the bed tick; he also had a smock frock and trowsers made of the Russia duck.

Q. Did the smock frock, sheet, bed tick, trowsers, and the piece that was left, make up about thirty yards. – A. I should suppose so. We also found a brush in his room.

Q. When did you see the prisoner. – A. The next morning. I was not present when he was taken up.

Q. Has Mr. Butts any partner. – A. No.

Cross-examined by Mr. Arabin. Do you know that house in which you found these things to be the house of the prisoner’s. – A. I was directed to it as his house by the person that let it him.

Q. Then you do not know excepting what that person told you, that it was his house. – A. No.

JOSEPH MOORIN . – Mr. Bolland. You are a farmer living at Hatton. – A. Yes.

Q. Do you know the prisoner. – A. He worked for me near a month, till the 28th of November; for the last fortnight he worked in the old barn.

Q. What did that old barn contain. – A. Barley.

Q. Of course it was locked. – A. Yes, and the prisoner had the custody of the key most nights but Saturday night, and then he hung it up in the kitchen.

Q. You must not tell me under what circumstances, but did he leave the country, was he discharged by you. – A. No, he went without being discharged by me.

Q. After the prisoner went away did you employ a man of the name of Newton to thrash in the barn. – A. No, I had allowed Mr. Dawes to use the opposite side of that barn, he employed Newton.

Q. During the time the prisoner was with you on the 20th of November was any body employed in that barn but the prisoner. – A. No.

Q. How far is that barn from the prosecutor’s accompting house. – A. I should suppose about two miles and a quarter.

Q. Do you know where the prisoner lived. – A. he lived at Hounslow.

JOHN NEWTON. Q. Where do you live. – A. I live at Feltham.

Q. Were you employed by Mr. Dawes to thrash in Mr. Moorin’s old barn. – A. Yes. There I found under the roof of the barn, between the boards and the barley, nine balls of twine, and eleven balls of packthread; as soon as I found it I took it to the public house and mentioned what I had found; in consequence of which it was afterwards claimed by Mr. Strudwicke. This is the twine, I can swear to it; here is a hole where a mouse crept in, he hung in there, he was as dry as a bone.

JOHN WILLIAM BROOKS . I live at Tamworth, I was present at the time the prisoner was apprehended. I am a farmer; when we saw the prisoner the constable said come in, here he is; we saw him in a field; they had just apprehended his wife. I gave chase after him; he ran a considerable way.

Q. Before he ran was any thing said to him. – A. Not a word. This was the 9th of March; he ran for about a mile and a quarter; there was a man a hedging; I cried stop him, he attempted to stop him, he could not; I asked the hedger for his bill, he gave it to me, we ran about a mile and a half farther, then I got up to him, when he got over a hedge. I said surrender; he stopped and held up his fist, I said I will strike you with the bill if you do not surrender. He knocked me down and put his knees on my throat and attempted to choak me; I gave him several cuts with the bill; he bled and got weak; I throwed him off, I said come surrender; he walked on and we took him.

Q. Do you know that the house that was searched was the prisoner’s house. – A. His wife told me so afterwards.

Q. Did he at any time claim any of the property that was seized there. – A. She claimed it, but not in his presence; he did not.

Cross-examined by Mr. Arabin. This was at Epsom, a great many miles across the country. – A. I knew he lived in that country.

Q. Was any body else present when this struggle took place. – A. No.

Q. You know that you cut that man’s nose in two. A. Yes, it was.

Q. And you also know that he had so many grievous wounds that his life was despaired of. – A. It may be so; I only gave him blows in my own defence.

COURT. Did he ever make any complaints before the magistrate. – A. No, he did not.

(The property produced and identified.)

Prisoner’s Defence. I knew nothing about it till I went home; I heard my wife was taken. I went away, they ran after me, and I ran away.

GUILTY , aged 30.

Transported for Seven Years .

First Middlesex jury, before Mr. Common Serjeant.


The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Ref: t18220417-46


580. GEORGE HAMILTON was indicted for stealing on the 22nd of March, one pair of trowsers, value 18 s.; one pair of braces, value 1 s., and two gowns, value 10 s. , the goods of Josiah Hardsman .

ESTHER HARDSMAN . I am the wife of Josiah Hardsman , and live in Little York-street, Bethnel-Green. The prisoner had been twice at our house before. On the 22d of March, about eight in the morning, I saw this property safe in my bed-room, on the first floor. The prisoner came about half-past ten o’clock that morning into the two-pair room, and brought some hair, which I had given him to make a front of. He is a barber – he went down stairs; I missed the things between twelve and one o’clock. He must have passed my bed-room when he came. I understand he is greatly distressed, and has a wife and eleven children.

WILLIAM WELLS . I am a butcher. I called at Hards-man’s for orders – saw the bed-room door was open, and saw the prisoner coming down stairs with a bundle under his arm, wrapped in a red spotted handkerchief. He was creeping down on his toes.

SAMUEL CHAPMAN . I am shopman to Mr. Foulkard, a pawn-broker, of Providence Row, Finsbury Square. – The prisoner came to me on the 24th of March, between twelve and one o’clock, and pawned two black gowns, and a pair of trowers, for 18 s. in the name of John Bradshaw . – He said it was his own.

(Property produced and sworn to.)

WILLIAM STREDWICK . I searched him and found 26 s. and four duplicates on him.

Prisoner’s Defence. The money did not belong to me.

GUILTY . Aged 31.

Confined Two Months .

First Middlesex Jury, before Mr. Justice Park.


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356. THOMAS STRUDWICK was indicted for embezzlement .

CHARLES DELAPORTE . I live in Stacey-street, Compton-street. On the 10th of January I went to Mr. Beazley’s, and bought some meat of the prisoner, which came to 4 d.; and when I came out of the shop I was accosted by a person.

Cross-examined by MR. ALLEY. Q. What did you pay him – A. Two penny pieces and four halfpence.

JOHN VIRGO BUCKLAND . I am a constable. On the 10th of January, I was watching Mr. Beazley’s premises, and saw Delaporte come out with some meat. I went to the till, and found only one penny there; and upon searching the prisoner I found a sovereign, a half-crown, and three shillings, but no halfpence on him.

GEORGE BEAZLEY . I set the constable to watch my premises. The prisoner was in my service, and entrusted to receive money for me. Seven-pence was found on the shelf above the desk – it was his duty to put it all into the desk. I had been watching, and saw him give change for a sovereign.



The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Ref: t18270405-132


885. JOHN DORY was indicted for stealing, on the 15th of March, 3 bushels of grains, value 1s. 9d. , the goods of Simeon Howard , his master; and HENRY FIELDER was indicted for feloniously receiving the same, knowing them to have been stolen .

2d COUNT, charging them both with stealing the said goods.

MESSRS. PHILLIPS and BARRY conducted the prosecution.

SIMEON HOWARD. I am a farmer, and live at Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire. Dory was nearly seven years in my service; on the 14th of March, at night, I sent him and Groves with a waggon and four horses, two grey and two brown, to Messrs. Coles and Co.’s brewery, at Twickenham, for one hundred bushels of grains – Mrs. Howard gave them the money. I sent no note with them – my name and address was on the waggon – they returned next afternoon; it is fifteen or sixteen miles.

Cross-examined by MR. ADOLPHUS. Q. You had Groves committed on this charge? A. Yes, on the day they returned; he was sent to Clerkenwell – he has been nearly fourteen years in my employ. I have not seen him in prison, nor had any conversation with him.

DANIEL WHALE . I am in the employ of Messrs. Coles and Co. Twickenham. I know Dory and Groves; on the 15th of March they came to the brewery with Howard’s waggon. I measured them one hundred bushels of grains, which they put into the waggon, and drove off – this was about six o’clock in the morning. I saw Howard’s name on the waggon.

GEORGE FRANCIS . I am in partnership with Mr. Cole. Dory and Groves came one morning for one hundred bushels of grains. I do not recollect what day it was; they had one hundred bushels, for which, I believe, Dory paid; I received three sovereigns, and said, “This is just right;” as I thought it was two sovereigns and a half, my sight not being good; he said, “How much are they a bushel?” I then saw it was three sovereigns; I gave them to another man, who, I believe, gave change. I saw “S. Howard, Rickmansworth,” on the waggon. There were no horses in it when I first saw it, but afterwards there were four – I think one was grey.

HANNAH STRUDWICK . I am the wife of James Strudwick , and live on Hounslow-heath. Fielder’s house is on Hounslow-heath: on the 15th of March, about eleven o’clock in the morning (I think) I saw a waggon with four horses standing at his house. I did not read the name on it – I saw two men with the waggon – Dory is like one of them; I saw him before the Magistrate – he was then dressed like the man on the waggon, but I cannot be certain of him – I believe him to be the man; there were grains in the waggon. I saw a sack nearly full put on the other man’s back from the waggon; it was carried round Fielder’s house. I did not see Fielder then – I had seen him before, talking to the two men with the waggon – the man on the waggon put the sack on the other man’s back, who carried it round the house.

Cross-examined. Q. Do you live next door to Fielder? A. Yes; his premises are enclosed in front, but open on the side – he is a carman; he does hired work, has a little land, and keeps pigs and horses. I have frequently seen him buying grains of a man who sells them – he generally goes himself to Mr. Palmer, a brewer, for them – but at times people come and sell to him. I am sure I saw him and his son speak to the men. I know a boy named Gritteridge; my husband is a carpenter – there never was any dispute between him and Fielder; my husband was discharged under the Insolvent Act in July, and there was a little difference between them then, but since that they have been friendly. I believe Fielder can neither read nor write.

MR. PHILLIPS. Q. Do people who sell grains at his door come with a waggon and four horses? A. No; a jobbing man comes with a cart and one horse. Two of the horses were brown.

EDWARD LONG . I live at Hounslow. I know Fielder, and I know Dory’s person; on the 15th of March, in the morning, I was by Fielder’s house, and saw a waggon directly opposite. Dory and Groves were with Fielder, and his son stood close by the waggon, which was loaded with grains – it was a large one – I did not notice how many horses there were. I saw Dory on the waggon – he filled the sack with grains from the waggon – it was taken into Fielder’s yard.

Cross-examined. Q. Where was Fielder at that time? A. Standing by the waggon. I swear that he was there at the time the sack was carried in; we did not go away at all – I saw no money pass – Groves carried the grains in. I am a baker – this was between ten and eleven o’clock, I think – I was out with my bread, and stood there about five minutes.

EDMUND GROVES . I was in Mr. Howard’s employ – Dory was my fellow-servant – he kept the nags. On the 14th of March Mr. Howard sent me to the brewery for grains – we got a hundred bushels – Dory paid for them – I do not know how much; we put one bushel into the stable for the horses, and then went towards home. Dory called at a house on Hounslow-heath as we went – he went on before the horses, and called at the house; I came up soon after – he spoke to somebody, but I did not see who it was. When we returned home, Dory went on before, and spoke to Fielder on the heath. Dory got up on the waggon, and bid me come up, and put some grains into one of master’s sacks, which we had taken some grains in for the horses. I carried the sack of grains into Fielder’s stables, emptied them out, and brought the sack away – Fielder stood by the yard in view of me and Dory. I did not know him before, nor was I ever that road before – we were opposite the house three or four minutes – Fielder said nothing to me – I did not hear him speak to Dory. We all went to a public-house, and Fielder wished me good day – he told us to call again. When we got home Dory gave me 2s. 11/2d., and said that was my share – he did not say what of. We were about ten minutes in the public-house.

Cross-examined by MR. QUIN. Q. How long are you going to Twickenham and back? A. I was never that road before – master gave us 2s. between us for going; we went away about eleven o’clock at night, and returned before dark next day. Dory went on to Fielder’s house before me – I carried the sack in; I have been accused of stealing the grains – master said if I would tell the truth he would forgive me. Dury said nothing to me about it.

COURT. Q. Did Dory call at the same house in the morning? A. I did not see him go in in the morning.

Cross-examined by MR. ADOLPHUS. Q. How often did you go into the stable? A. Only once; there were about two bushels and a half in the sack – I received 2s. 11/2d. as my share – grains are sixpence a bushel; no explanation was given me by Dory. I was committed as the thief; I saw Cook the constable once while I was in Newgate – he did not ask me to accuse my fellow-servant. Mr. Fellows, the lawyer said, I was to come as a witness, and asked what I knew about it – he said if I would be of use on the trial, I should not be prosecuted; this was the day before yesterday. I heard Fielder say nothing about the grains.

MR. PHILLIPS. Q. At what time in the morning did you cross the heath to go to the brewery? A. A little before four o’clock, I think – there was then some hay for the horses on the waggon. Dory did not say what the 2s. 11/2d. was the share of – the waggon stopped on the heath as we went, for three or four minutes, just opposite Fielder’s. I was behind the waggon, and saw a man speak to Dory, but cannot say who it was – he came from Fielder’s yard.

MR. ADOLPHUS. Q. It was dark at four o’clock? A. Yes, rather – it appeared to be a man that I saw.

THOMAS KING . I am tap boy at the Cross Lancers public-house, on Hounslow-heath. I know Fielder – I saw Dory on the 15th of March, in company with Fielder, drinking at our house, about eleven in the morning – I cannot say whether any one was with them; a waggon and four horses was at the door at the time.

Cross-examined by MR. ADOLPHUS. Q. He was perfectly well known at your house? A. Yes – he bears a respectable character.

S. HOWARD re-examined. I did not examine my waggon to see if any grains were deficient – most of them had been used before I observed it. Dory bears a respectable character.

DORY – GUILTY. Aged 22.

Recommended to Mercy – Confined Seven Days .