1617 Chichester wills M Dean 15 Robert Strudwick of Kirdford

(Note – parts of the first two pages are missing)

In the name of god Amen The xvjth day of January Ano Dom 1616 And in the xiiijth yeare of the raigne of our Sovraigne Lord James by the grace of god King of England ffrance & Ireland defender of the faith – And of Scotland the fyftith I Robert Strudwick of Kerdford in the county of Sussex yeoman being sick in body but in good & pfect memory (praised be god) doe make & ordaine this my last will & Testament in maner & forme following that is to say,

first & principally I commend my soule into the hands of almyghty god my creator in sure & certeine hope of resurreccon to eternall lyfe, through the merits & mercy of Jesus Christ my only redeemer and when it shall please god to call me to his mercy I will my body to be buryed in the Churchyard of Kerdford aforesaid Imprimis doo give to the high Church of Chichester xij d

Item I doo give to the poore people of Kerdford aforesaid fyve marks.

Item I doo give to every one of my godchildren v s

Item I doo give to all my men servants and mayd servants in my house forty shillings to be equally devided amongst them by equall porcons And further I doo give unto my thre men servants that is to say John Winson William Humphrey & Willm Allen all my wearing Apparrell.

Item I doo give unto Henry my eldest son All those my freehold Mesuages lands tenemts & heredimets with terme(?) tenure which I have in Kirdford aforesaid And f (missing)

doo give will & bequeath unto the said Henry my son all that my estate (missing)

possession & interest wch I have of & in one meadow lyeng within the (missing)

aforesaid called or knowne by the name of Thanemead be it by (missing)

being parcell of certaine lands & tenemts late purchased & (missing)

in consideracon of all which said mesuages lands tenements & premises (missing)

I do will & appoint that he the said Henry my son shall well (missing)

paid unto William Strudwick my second son three score pounds (missing)

and unto John Strudwick my forth son fyftye (missing)

to be paid unto either of them when they sh (missing)

twenty yeares.

Item I doo give will & bequ (missing)

that my estate right title use possession & int (missing)

lands tenements & hereditaments wth (missing)

Herringe & Herringe grove which was also late purchased and bought of the said Henry Nalldrett, excepting the said meadow before menconed to be given unto my son Henry. In consideracon of which said Mesuage lands tenements & hereditaments & possessions so to him the said Robert my son before given & bequeathed I doo will & appoynt that he the said Robert my son his heires executors or assigns shall well & truly pay or cause to be paid unto (missing)

(missing) Strudwick & Richard Strudwick my two younger sonnes fyftye (missing)

(missing) money of England, to be paid unto either of the (missing)

(missing) to be of their full ages of one (missing)

Item I doo give will & bequeath unto Elizabeth my wyfe fyfteene pounds by the yeare of lawfull money of England to be paid to her quarterly in lieu & consideracon of her Dower or thirde wch by the lawes of this Realme shall or may be due unto her, In consideracon whereof I doo will & appoynt that the said Elizabeth my wyfe shall at her owne coste & charges educate & bring up the said Richard my youngest son.

And further I doo give unto her the said Elizabeth my wyfe one fetherbed which is in the Chamber or lofte over my parlour with all the furnyture unto the said fetherbed belonging except the bedsteddle wherein the said bed lyethe

And also I doo give & bequeath unto her the said Elizabeth my wyfe one flockbed which is in the mayds chamber with all the furnyture to the said flockbed belonging

And also I doo give unto her the said Elizabeth my wife the one half of my brasse & pewter, And all my lynnen excepting fower paire of the best sheets my best table cloth & one dosen of my best table napkins

Provyded allwaies and my will & meaning is That yf my said wyfe shall refuse to bring up the said Richard my son That then the said fyfteene pounds by the yeare above menconed to be given unto her in lieu & consideracon of her Dower or thirde

And all other the legacies of goods & household stuffe before menconed to be to her given & bequeathed shalbe utterly frustrate voyd & of none effect.

Item I doo make & ordaine my loving brother William Strudwick of Hillsgreene and my loving brother in law George Amye to be Executors in trust of this my last will & Testament To the which my said Executors shall have full power & lawfull authoritie to take and sell every all my goods cattells & houshold stuffe (other than such houshold stuffe as they in their discrecon shall thinke fit to be kept to & for the use of my Children for & towards the payment & satisafaccon of my debts And further (missing)

& towards the paymt & satisafaccon also to fell cut downe take & carry all such wood (missing)

trees as I late bought of Sir Garrett Kempe knight standing uppo my Coppy hold (missing)

called Bidland

And further & towards the payment & satisafyeng of my said (missing)

to enter into my said lands & tenemts called Herringe grove (missing)

fell cut downe take worke & carry (by such waies & meanes as to them (missing)

& covenyent) as much woods tymber & trees as shall amount & be worth (missing)

of three score pounds over and above all costs & charges.

And further as touching & (missing)

all other my debts wch they cannot pay & satisffye wth the felling of my said woods Tymber & woods before menconed I doo further authorice & appoynt my said Executors to (missing)

into my freehold lands before menconed to be given to my son Henry and thereto to fell out (missing)

take worke avoyd & carry away by such waies & meanes as they shall think moot & convenyent as much woods & tymber & trees as shall amount fully to satisfy & paye all the residue of my debts any thing above in this my will written & contayned to the contrary not withstanding

And further I doo by this my present will authorize & appoint my said executors & their assignes to let & put out all my said mesuages lands & Tenements with the appurtences in this my present will menconed and therof to take & receyve the rents yssues & profits untill my sonnes Henry & Robert shall accomplish their sevrall ages of one & twenty yeares And with the said rents & profitts of my said lands & tenemts to educate & bring up my fyve other sonnes.

I doo will & appoint that my servant William Jackman shall dwell in my house wherein he now dwelleth during the terme of his naturall lyfe, makeing no willfull wast or spoile and so as he doo well looke unto & preserve the fruyt which shall growe in the Orchard belonging to the said house

In witnes whereof to this my last will & Testament I the said Robert Strudwick have put my hand & seale In the presence of theis witnesses whose names are underwritten

Richard kinge

John Winson Robert

His marke Strudwicke

Probate 14th (?) 1617