In the name of God Amen the seventeenth day of March 1611 I Thomas Strudwecke of Rogate in the countie Sussex Tayler Sicke of bodie but of good and perfect memorye (God be paraysed and thanked therefore) Doe make and ordayne this my last will & testament in manner & forme followynge, that is to saye Ffirst I comende my soule into the handes of god my maker hopeynge assuredly through the only merritts and death of Jesus Christ my saviour to be made pentater of life everlasting And i comend my bodie to the earth whereof it is made to be buryed in the church yard of Rogate

Item I give to my sonne in lawe Ralph Woode one black pied Bullock of iij years of age

Item to my sonne in lawe Ralphe Woode ij ewes & ij lambes and to every one of his children one ewe & one lambe

Item To hym one floke bed one bedstedel and one bolster

Item to my sonne Thomas one floke bed with sheetes my sonne now lyeth on one calff or young hogg

Item to my daughter Constance the bed that I now lie apon with all things belongynge thereunto, iiij paher of sheetes and holland sheets and dozen of pewter, the iiij ewes, and iiij lambes, iiij wethers, the great chest where I lye, my great iron pott, my biggest brass kittell, five cappexxx?, one bunn? ton?, iij table clothes, iiij table napkins, my longe table in the chamber over the hall, and the tressells, one bedcowt, one shatt, halfe my woodden dishes, halfe my spoones, my little cubberd in the hall

Item All the rest of my goode and chattells moveable and immoveable my debts paid my legacyes performed & my funerall expenses discharged I give unto Peter my sonne whom I doe make whole and sole executor of this my last will & testament and I doe request my trusted and welbeloved sonne Thomas Strudweeke and Ralphe Woode my overseers and doe give them for their paynes ii shillings apeece

‘ xxxx rest very faint and unreadable xxxx ‘