
William Strudwyke of Kirdford 1584 – Chichester Wills (orig J12 or 121)

(Parts unreadable)

In dei Noie Amen The last day of May 1584 and in the six and xxx of the reign of our sovereign lady Elizabeth by the grace of god queen of England France and Ireland defender of the faith

I William Strudwyke of Idehurst in the Parish of Kirdford in the County of Sussex yeoman, Sick of body yet now of very good and perfect rememberance Thanks be given for it Do make publish and declare this my true and xxxx last will and testament in manner and form following

First I bequeath my soul unto almighty god my creator hoping to be saved by the death merits and passion of Jesus Christ my redeemer and my body to be buried in the churchyard of kirdford aforesaid

Item I give to the high church of chichester 4d

Item I give to the poor of the parish of kirdford aforesaid Six shillings and eight pence to be distributed by the discretion of my overseers hereunder named

Item I give and bequeath unto Joyce Strudwyke my wife the bedstedlel which she brought with her

Item I give unto her all and all manner of beds blankets coverlets sheets linen covers and other implements of house standing lying or being in the loft over the great parlour & in the loft where I lie

Item I give unto her all the milk and brewing vessels lying in my said house one cauldron my second brass potts two kettles on pessall 6i pewter dishes 7 pewter platters six servers two besoms and one ewer

Item I give unto her six oxen all my keyne and my sheep all my ewes geese ducks and poultry

Item I will and my meaning is that the said Joyce my wife shall have the use and custody of all other my bedstedles cupboards tables stooles and forms in said house for her natural life only, the remainder thereof after her decease to my executor under named

Item I give will and bequeath unto Agnes Strudwyke my daughter the sum of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her by my said overseers when she shall have accomplished her full age of one and twenty years

Item I give unto her six pieces of pewter and one xxx

The residue of all my goods and chattells not before bequeathed after my debts be payd my will performed and my body honestly buryed

I give will and bequeath unto William Strudwyke my son whom I make fully and wholly my executor of this my last will and testament and I ordaine and make my trusted and well beloved friends John Browne a of Kirdford Gent John Strudwyke the elder of Lovold Henry Strudwyke of Hills Greeen and Thomas Thomson of Petworth mercer overseers of this my last will and testament to see the same performed in all things according to the faithfull trust that I do repose in them and I do give unto every of them for his pains therein to be had ten shillings over and above all their reasonable charges to be expended in this behalf.

This is the last will and testament of me the said William Strudwyke mad and declared the day and year aforesaid and as for and apon all those my lands tenements rents reversions and hereditaments hereafter mentioned situated lying and being in the Parish of Kirdford aforesaid or elsewhere in the said County of Sussex

first I will and my very meaning is that the said John Browne John Strudwyke Henry Strudwyke and Thomas Thomson shall have full power and lawfull authority for and towards the paying of my debts (and specially for the paying of one hundred and thirty pounds of lawful money of England unto Richards Kinge of Loxwood upon the first day of November next for the redemption of Bealeland Thornes and Farthings to bargain and sell or otherwise convey away at the best price that may be made all those my lands tenements and hereditaments situated lying or being in the Parish of kirdford aforesaid now in occupation of Luke Humphrey or of his assigned called Linfold I late purchased of Robert Knighte of Coddesfold in the County of South and Alice Knighte his mother excepting and always reserving out of the same bargain and sale unto the Bay or pond head from the said bay to the lower end of the great mead

And for the better performance of this my last will and testament as to my debts which I owe I will and my very meaning is that the aforesaid John Browne John Strudwyke Henry Strudwyke and Thomas Thomson shall have and take up the use occupation and profits of those my lands tenements and hereditaments set lying and being in the Parish of Kirdford aforesaid called or known by the several names of Foxbridge alias Strudwykes Land Crofts and Fakes Land Fosters Beale Land Terners and Farthings and of the Hammer in Kirdford aforesaid or by whatsoever other names or name the same or any other part or parcel thereof to be called or known now in several tenancies and occupations of Richard Slynt William Waters gent Henry Furlonger Emery Batchelour and me the said William Strudwyke or of my assigns or of the assigns of any of them from the day of my death unto the full end and term of fifteen years from thense next immediately following fully to be complete and ended

And after the end of those fifteen years I give will and bequeath unto Henry Strudwyke my younger son all those my said lands tenements and hereditaments with appurtenances sett lying and being in the Parish of Kirdford aforesaid now in the tenure and occupation of the said Richard Slynt or of his assigns called or known by the name of Foxbridge alias Strudwykes Land to have and hold the said Foxbridge alias Strudwykes land with apputenances unto the said Henry Strudwyke my son and to the heirs of the body of the said Henry lawfully begotten for ever

Item I give will and bequeath unto the said Henry Strudwyke my son one annuity or annual rent of five pounds of lawful money of England to be yearly issuing & provided unto of all those my lands tenements & hereditaments situate lying and being in the parish of Kirdford aforesaid called Crofts and Fakes land late in the severall tenures and occupations of the said Henry Furlonger and me the said William Strudwyke to have hold levy receive rents and yearlie take upp the said annuity or annual rent of five pounds by the year rent of the lands and tenements aforesaid unto the said Henry Strudwyke his executors and assigned from the end and full accomplishment of the term of fifteene years unto the full end and term of Twenty & one years from thense next & immediately ensuing and then fully to be complete and paid with the feasts of St Micheal the archangel & the annunciation of Mary the blessed virgin or within fourtene dayes next after either of the aforesaid feasts by even portions yearly to be paid

And if it shall so happen the said annuity or annual rent of 5pounds to be behind & unpaid in part or in all by the space of fourteen days next after either of the said feasts or payment days thereof in which the same ought to be paid being lawfully sought and demanded then my will desire and meaning that during the said term of 21 years it shall be lawful to & for the said Henry Strudwyke my sonne his executors and assigns into all those the lands tenements & hereditaments called Crofts & Fakes Land & unto any part or parcel thereof to enter & distraine and the xxx there so taken lawfully from thence to load drive bear & carry away and the same to detain make & keep untill the said annuity or annual rent of 5 pounds & the deficit thereof if any be shall be unto the said Henry Strudwyke my son his executors & assigns fully satified contented & paid

Item I will and my further meaning is that my said overseers shall yearly pay unto Margeret Strudwyke my mother out of my said lands 12 pounds by the year at the four usual feasts or termes of the year most usual – the feasts of St Micheal The archangel the Nativity of our Lord god The annunciation of our Lady & the Nativity of St. John Baptist by even portions by and during all the said term of fifteen years if she the said Margeret my mother shall so long live

Item I will that my said overseers shall at the end of the said fifteen years be accountable & shall make a true & just accounting to my said executor of all the receipts & profits as well of all my lands above said and also of all the money as they shall have received & for the sale of Linfold aforesaid and upon the said accounte shall make underxxx payments unto my said executor of all such sums of money as they shall be found to have in their hands as the receipts aforesaid upon the said accounts showeing charges and expenses alone thus paid My last will being declared there being witnesses William Waters, Henry Ffawkenor and Edward Ffexxher Thomas Strudwicke and William Sherxxxx