Hampshire Pro1538 b 68

Will of John Madgwick of Northington, Hants (Hampshire PRO 1538 B/68)

In the Name off god Amen The xxv daye of Apryl The yere of ouer Lord A 1538 I John magwyk knowyng mye selff syke And dysysyd in Bodye Nertheless parfyt of mynd And hole of memorye Mak my Testament In Thys wysse ffyrst I bequeue my sole unto Almyghtye god our blessyd Ladye saynte marye And All the holye Copany of hevyn my Bodye To buryd in The Chancell of Nortonton Before saynte John The babtyste Also I Bequeue To hye Alter A Uewe shype Also I bequeue To the Church of Nortonton A kow To be prayed for Amonge The Benefactors Also to Phylys Chyld iijs of money & to evry of The same Phylys Chyldryn A Lambe Also I Bequeue To any of my servantes(?) A shepe To John Shryne A Uew & A Lamb To John holyford A Lamb To Raff ij yewes & ij Labbys Also To my eldyst son gregory lx shype Also To John maghwyk A kow And the increasse of The same cow To Rimayn to brothers & systers off The sayd John maghwyk Also Lego To margarytte strodwyk A brasse pott her chyldryn To bydde The gramothers Rewarde Also I bequeue To my son Nycholas To mak hym wt hys owne proper goodde And mye Bequest worthe xxl Also To go in halffe parte wth hys mother in The farme Baryge halffe The charge pay And Takynge halffe The profytt The Rest of my goodds unbequest I Bequeue unto mye wyff marye she To Bestow for The helthe of my sole Att her plesure As she Thynkythe Best Recorde To Thys bye Rychard Cobbe wyllm Cosener wyllm westerson &Alijs

My wyff mary ffull executrix

Probate 6 June 1538