
Thomas Stredwick of Chiddingfold, yeoman, weak and infirm 27 Jan 1727/8

to elder son William 3 closes of land Cozens, Dunsfold adjoining causeway in the king’s highway called Benbow Causeway and in occupation of William Wincon (7 acres) and all that part of his mother’s reversion in Eashing in occupation of John Keen;

to younger son Thomas freehold messuage Couzans in occupation of William Wyncon (14 acres);

to daughters Sarah, Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth and Dulcy £50 each when youngest is 21 but £20 to any who married before with exec.’s approval and then £30 more when 21;

residue to wife Mary, exec. but if she remarries trustees friends John Entricknot and Thomas Vollow both of Chiddingfold, yeomen to give her 1s and be execs. and residue to children and 5s each to execs. for pair of gloves

Witnesses: John Child; Edward Poolen (X); John Mitchell

Inventory 10 Mar 1730/1 by Henry Welland and John Wakeford of same place, yeomen:

clothes and money in purse: £4 4s;

in parlour chamber: bed etc., three joined chests or chest of drawers, trunk, pair of andirons and three chairs: £12;

in kitchen chamber: two beds, bedstead, two plain chests with blankets and linen: £7;

on the stairs’ head: malt mill, old iron, linen wheel and bedstead: £3 14s;

in milkhouse chamber: bed and bedstead etc. and small quantity of wheat: £14 4s;

in parlour: two tables, seven chairs, pair of andirons and bushel of clover seed: £1 18s;

in kitchen: several household goods and bacon: £15 7s;

in brewhouse and little rooms thereto adjoining: in goods, working tools and old lumber: £9 13s;

goods outdoors:

13 beasts and four calves: £47 10s;

6 horses with harness and 2 ploughs: £36;

3 colts, 15 sheep and 10 lambs: £22;

4 store hogs £4 16s;

waggon, 2 dung carts, large harrow, two small harrows and roll: £14 10s;

26 acres of wheat sowed: £39;

7 acres of peas sowed: £7;

chalk, wood and poles: £15;

in barn:

peas and hay: £9 4s;

oats in and out of the straw: £8;

winnowing fan, sieves, ridders, prongs and rakes: 10s;

money at interest sperate: £52 10s;

money at interest desperate: £52; total: £406

Proved: 27 Apr 1731 to exec. [DW/PA/7/21; DW/PA/5/1731/103]