
Richard Stradwick 973 276

In the name of God Amen I Richard Stradwick of the City of Rochester in the County of Kent gentlemen being in good health of body and of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding praised be God considering the uncertainty of this life and for avoiding controversies and disputes after my decease make this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say)

Ffirst and most principally I surrender up my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator hoping for pardon and forgiveness of all my sinns by and through the only merits and satisfaction of Jesus Christ my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried in the parish church at St Nicholas Rochester as near to my former wife Lucy Stradwick as can be by my executor and executrix herein after named and as touching my worldly estate and effects which it has pleased God bless me in this life I give devise and dispose thereof as follows

I give and devise to my dearly beloved son William Stradwick all that my messuage tenements or ffarm together with the Oasthouse and several pieces or parcels of land thereunto belonging with their and every of their appurtenances situated lying and being in the parish Ffindsbury in the said County of Kent and now in the occupation of James Pelling and also all that my messuage or tenements coach yard stables and garden thereunto belonging with their and every of their appurtenances situated lying in being in the city of Rochester aforesaid and now in the occupation of George Ffranklin and also all those my two other messuages or tenements with the washhouses and appurtenances thereunto belonging situated lying and being in the city of Rochester aforesaid one of them being in the occupation of Jane Downham widow and the other in my own occupation to be to the use and behoof of my said son William Stradwick his heirs and assigns subject the payment of all my just debts and the several annuities and legacies hereinafter mentioned that is to say

To pay to my dear and loving wife Susanna Stradwick the yearly summer 15 pounds of the lawful money of Great Britain by quarterly payments and to permit and suffer her to inhabit and dwell in my now dwelling house and to have the free use and enjoyment of all my household goods during her natural life but if my said wife Susanna Stradwick shall choose to depart and give up the possession of my said dwelling house with the household goods to my said son William Stradwick then I will order and direct that he my said son William Stradwick shall pay her my said wife Susanna Stradwick the yearly summer of 25 pounds of like money by quarterly payments during the term of the natural life she my said wife in that case to be allowed to take away with her all her wearing apparel and also all the impliments of household she brought with her upon my marriage I also direct my said son William Stradwick to pay my said wife Susanna Stradwick the sum of 5 pounds of like money for mourning this being my agreement I made and entered into by certain articles of agreement upon my marriage with her

Also I give and bequeath to my loving neice Mary Stradwick spinster who now lives with me the sum of 5 pounds of like lawful money for mourning and an annuity of 5 pounds yearly and every year during the term of the natural life of my said wife Susanna Stradwick and after her decease the sum of 15 pounds of like money yearly and every year during the term of her natural life and after her decease I give and bequeath the said annuity of 15 pounds unto and amongst all and every child or children of the body lawfully begotten share and share alike and I do hereby charge all my real estate with the payment of these annuities and do hereby forbid him my said son William Stradwick mortgaging or selling any of my real estates and do enjoyn him to keep the same in good and tenantable repair provided always nevertheless that if it shall happen my said son William Stradwick shall depart this life without leaving any issue of his body lawfully begotten at such the time of his decease then I give and devise all my said real estate unto my said neice Mary Stradwick and her heirs forever she paying to my said wife Susanna Stradwick the sum of 10 pounds a year over and besides the said sum of 25 pounds which I have before given her during the term of her natural life but if she my said neice do depart this life without leaving any issue of her body lawfully begotten at such the time of her decease then I give and devise the same and every part thereof unto my own right heir by the name of Stradwick and to his her or their heirs forever

I also forbid her my said neice Mary Stradwick mortgaging or selling any of my said real estate and also enjoyn her to keep the same in good and tenantable repair Also if my said wife Susanna Stradwick shall give up the possession of my dwelling house with the goods to my son William Stradwick then I give and bequeath all my ready money and securities for money bonds mortgages book debts jewels plate watches rings linen woolen pewter brass beds bedding household stuff and implements of household goods chattels and whatsoever else shall be due owing or belonging unto me and to the use of my said son William Stradwick and to his heirs and assigns forever but if he departs this life without issue as aforesaid then I give the same unto my said neice her heirs and assigns forever

Also I give and bequeath unto William Rose son of Edward Rose of the City of Canterbury the sum of 5 pounds of lawful money of Great Britain and the sum of 5 pounds of like lawful money to Edward Foster’s children to be divided between them

Also I give and bequeath to my loving brother John Stradwick of Downe in the said County of Kent the sum of 10 pounds of like money to be paid him within 3 months next after my decease

Also I will and direct that my executors will give the Minister at St Nicholas aforesaid a silk hat band and gloves

to his clerk at crape hat band and gloves

to the bearers who shall carry me to the ground one shilling apiece and a pot of beer

And I desire the lay clerks of the Cathedral to hold up my paul and to give each of them at crape hat band and a pair of gloves and one guinea to be divided between them

I hereby name make constitute and appoint my said son William Stradwick and my said neice Mary Stradwick executor and executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking anulling and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I the said Richard Stradwick the testator have to this my last will and testament contained in two sheets of paper to each sheet thereof set my hand and to the last my seal dated the fifth day of May in the ninth year of the reign of our sovereign lord George the third by the grace of God of Great Britain Ffrance and Ireland King defender of the faith and so forth And in the year of our lord 1769 Richard Stradwick

signed sealed published and declared by the said Richard Stradwick the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto

Tho Fisher John Ford Richd Bristow

Probatum This will was proved London the 24th day of December in the year of our lord 1771 before the right worshipful George Day doctor of laws Master Keeperor commissary of the Prorogatory Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of William Stradwick the son of the deceased and one of the executors name in the will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased having been first sworn by commission duly to administer power extended of making the like grant to Elizabeth Stradwick spinster the neice of the said deceased and the other executor named in the said Will when she shall apply to the same.

Note probate mentions Elizabeth, but will only mentions Mary?

Also see codicil in a separate file (Originally having been proved the January following the above probate grant)