Will of katherine strudwicke ( daughter of William and Katherine of Lowfold)
Memorandum that on or about the last day of January last past Katherine Strudwicke of Wisborough Greene in the county of Sussex being sick of the xxx whereof she xxx with an intent to make her last will and testament xxx
in effect that she gave to her brothers Thomas and John Strudwicke and to all the children of her brother in law Ralph Naldrett 40s
she gave to John ,Jane and Mathew Ireland,children of Mathew Ireland 5s,
she gave to Katherine Ireland one of the daughters of the aforesaid Mathew one set of bedding and blankets she gave to Mary and Ann two other of the daughters of Mathew Ireland the cussions that she bought of Mrs Rowland.
she gave to Edward Carrington, William xxx the widdow Poulter and to xxx xxx xxx John xxx five 5s apiece she gave to her godchild xxx xxx 10s
the poor of wisborough greene aforesaid 20s
the rest and residue of her estate she gave to her sister Elizabeth Strudwicke xxx and made her sole executrix
witness Henry Strudwicke, Edward Carrington, Mathew Ireland 1659