
This is the last will have and testament of me Frederick Strudwicke of Reigate in the County of Surry victualler as follows

I desire to be decently interred at the discretion of my executor hereinafter named

I will in the first place that all my just Debts Legacies and funeral expenses and the cost of the probate of this my will be fully paid and satisfied

I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Jane Strudwicke will my household goods plate Linen and China and also my stock in trade and book debts to her own use and benefit

I give and bequeath unto my brother Henry Strudwicke and my good friend Abel Garroway of Reigate aforesaid grocer their executors administrators and assigns all and singular other my personal estate of whatever sort kind or quality the same I have or may at the time of my death consist of apon this special trust and confidence that they the said Henry Strudwicke and Abel Garroway their executors or assigns shall do from time to time during the minority of my children receive the rents and profits of my leasehold messages and tenements with their appurtenances situate at Wallington in the parish of Beddington in the County of Surry aforesaid and apply the same towards the bringing up my said children

And I do hereby direct my trustees and executors hereinafter named lay out and invest all my money in the public funds in their joint names within one month next after my decease or as soon after as the same shall be collected and got together and apply the interest and dividends arising therefrom the benefit of my said children until they shall attain their respective age and ages of 21 years and on retaining such age then to transfer one moite of the said stock together with the interest and dividends which shall at that time be due thereunto such child as shall so have attained such age of 21 years and on the other child attaining that age then had to transfer the other moitey of the said stock and all interest and dividends which shall be due thereunto that child accordingly

I give and bequeath unto my said children on their retaining their ages of 21 years and to their heirs executors administrators & assigned all those my leasehold messages tenements with their appurtenances situate at Wallington in the parish of Beddington aforesaid and my will is in case either of my said children shall have then died under the age of 21 years in such case I give and bequeath the share of heror him so dying unto the survivor and I do hereby empower my said trustees or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor out of the trust moneys which I shall come to their hands to advance so much thereof from time to time during the minority of my said children to place them out apprentice or otherwise as they shall see most beneficial to them

but in case my said wife should be enciente at the time of my decease in such case I give and bequeath one third part of and in my said estate unto such child on his or her attaining the age of 21 years and I do hereby direct my said trustees or the survivor of them or the executors administrators of such survivor to apply one third part of the rents and dividends towards the bringing up of such child and I do apply so much of the principle as they shall think proper in placing the said child out apprentice or otherwise and on this child attaining the age of 21 years then to transfer the said third part of the said stock and all dividends due thereunto

And my will further is that in case either of my said children should die under the age of 21 years and I give the share of him her or them so dying to the survivors if more than the one and if not one to that only

And I do hereby authorise and empower my said trustees to retain to themselves out of the money which will shall come to their hands all reasonable costs and charges they shall sustain or will be put unto in the execution of the trusts as hereby are on them reposed and my will further is and I do hereby declare that my said trustees or either of them shall not be answerable or accountable for any money to be received by them by virtue of the trusts here by in them reposed otherwise than each portion of such sum or sums of money as he shall respectively actually receive and that neither of them shall be answerable or accountable for the acts neglect or default of the other of them

And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said Henry Strudwicke and Abel Garroway executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby revoke all former and other will or wills by me at any time heretofore made I declare this only to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament written on one sheet of paper set my hand and seal this 28th day of October in the year of our lord 1810 Frederick Strudwicke

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Frederick Strudwicke the testator for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses the words ‘to time’ being interlined between the 17th and 18th lines from the top of the second side and the words ‘child there’ being also interlined between the fifth and six lines from the bottom of the second side John Bodle, John Nicholls, Reigate, XXX Hall, Dorking

A Codicil to be taken as part of the last will and testament of me Frederick Strudwicke of Limpsfield? in the County of Surrey aforesaid victualler whereas in and by my last will and testament bearing date the 28th of October 1810 and I gave and bequeathed unto my brother Henry Strudwicke and my good friend Abel Garroway as therein is specified and set forth I do hereby confirm my said will and declare the name of Garroway mentioned in the 15th line from the bottom of the first page of my said will without any Christian name is meant and intended for Abel Garroway one of the executors and trustees named and mentioned in my said last will and testament

And that I also declare that the name of my children mentioned in my said will are Jane Strudwicke and Susan Strudwicke

And whereas I am now possessed of and entitled unto a freehold estate land premises together with the improvements and appointments thereunto belonging called or known by the name of New Inn? situate and being at Limpsfield? aforesaid my will and mind is that the same shall remain in the possession of my wife Jane Strudwicke at the yearly rent of 14 pounds so long as she shall remain single or my said children Jane Strudwicke and Susannah Strudwicke Shall attained the age of 21 years

And in case my said wife shall marry or the youngest of my said children shall attained the age of 21 years then I give device and bequeath the said Henry Strudwicke and Abel Garroway their executors administrators and assigns all my said Freehold estate at Limpsfield called or known by the name of the New Inn, subject to the like trusts with respect thereto as are contained in my said Will with respect to my other property given and bequeathed unto them my said executors and trustees In trust for my said children

And I give and bequeath unto my said executors and trustees Henry Strudwicke and Abel Garroway their heirs administrators and assigns but subject to the payment of my Just debts funeral and testamentary expenses all my bond debts due upon Bills of exchange and notes of hand or are on any other security or securities for money and also all my reversionary interest of and in a freehold house situated in the High street Croydon in the said County of Surrey and also all and every other reversionary property or properties to which I am or may be entitled unto in remainder or expectancy but subject nevertheless to the like trusts with respect thereunto as are contained in my said last will and testament with respect to my other properties in witness whereof I the said Frederick Strudwicke have to this my codicil is still set my hand and seal the first day of July in the year of our Lord 1815 Frederick Strudwicke

this writing was signed and sealed by the above named Frederick Strudwicke and by published and declared as and for a codicil to his last will and testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence and at the request of the said Frederick Strudwicke and the presence of each other Richard Ridley Robert Ridley John Russell

Probatum 20 July 1816 to Henry Strudwick the brother, power reserved to Abel Garraway for the same