In the name of God Amen The sixe day of March Anno Dmi 1601 Jonas Strudwick of the pishe of Trotton the county of Sussex and in great sickness for which purpose did ordayne and make this his last will and testament nuncupative in manner and forme followinge
Fffirst he gave and bequeathed his soule into the mercifull handes of god his creator and redeemer trusting to be saved by the death and bloodshedding of Christ Jesus and his body to be buryed in the church yard of Trotton
Then he gave and bequeathed to James Trigges of the Pishe of Trotton sixe pounds sixteene shillings in money
The rest of all his goods both moveable and immoveable he gave unto his father willing him that this his will might be performed
In the presence of these witnesses names undersigned
Richard Hall xxxx Kinge xx the wife of Roger Teale witnesses to the will
Probatum March 1602 to James Trigges