The Will of Henry Strudwicke of Kirdford 1602 Chichester wills Vol 15 Page 138
In the name of God Amen the fivte day of ffebruary in the yeare of our Lord 1595 I Henry Strudweeke of the parishe of Kerford in the County in the County of Sussex glasman beinge sicke in body but whole and perfect in remembrance thankes be unto god doe ordayne and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge
ffirst I give and bequeathe my soule into the hands of Allmightie god and my body to be buried in the Church yeard of Kerford
Item I give to the Church of Chichester iiij d
Item I give to the minster(?) of Oxford iiij d
Item I give to Jane my wife my leese of my house and all my goods seeinge my debts discharged
Item I give allso to Jane my wife one Tenement beinge one house and a garden with a smiths forge adioyning near unto the Church of Kerford duringe her naturall life and after her decease unto Nicholas my sonne and to his heyres for ever
Item I ordayne and make Jane my wife my whole executor of this my last will and Testament seeinge my Children brought up and my debts discharged.
Item I appoint Henry Strudwike of hills greene & Edward Naldrett of the parishe of Kerford my overseers to this my last will and testament.
Witnesses hereunto John Marden John Marden Jr Theis Witnesses above written doo and will testify the Confirmation of this last will and that they – and were witnesses – – in writinge –
(line obscured)
Willm Strudwicke and Willm Allderton
Probate 16th day of January 1601