
In the name of God Amen I William Stroddicke of Wiston in the Countie of Sussex Husbandman of pfect memorie but sicke of bodie doe heere make my last will and testament in maaner and forme followinge

Ffirst I bequeath my soule unto allmightie god and mu bodie to bee buried at the discretion of my overseers

Item I give unto William Bradfold the son of Johane Bradfold widdow in the Pishe of Wiston aforesaid and in the said Countie three kine in the keeping of the said Johane Bradfold and fortie shillings of monie and and all my apparrell whatsoever all wheresoever kine fortie shillings of monie and the value and price of all the apparrell before given I will that the said William Bradfold shall have at the age of 21 yeeres if he live soe longe and not before together with the pfitt and comoditie which may increase and arise of the said pcells before bequeathed

And if the said William Bradfold shall happen to die before he shall accomplishe the full age of 21 yeeres then my will furder is that all the said pcells of goods before spoken and by this said will given unto the said William shall continue and remayne unto Elizabeth Bradfold and Jhane Bradfold daughters of the above named Johane to be equallie divided betwixt from or to the longest liver of them both which shall happen to be lyving after the death of the said William

And I doe make and ordayne the said William Bradfold my full and whole executor

And of this my last will and testament I doe make and appoint James Bull of Mappington and Johane Bradfold my overseers to see this my last will Pformed

In witness whereof I the said William Stroddick have putto my hand and seale upon the twentieth of julye in the fortith yeere of the reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth the mark of the said William Stroddick these beinge witnesses William Tee his marke Thomas Mitchell his marke Emie Coates her mark

Probatum 1598 to William Stroddick and Johane Bradfold