
This is the last will and testament of me John Strudwicke of Croydon in the county of Surrey Mercer

Whereas by indenture tripartite bearing date on or about the 23rd day of May 1757 and made or expressed to be made between me of the first part Mary my late wife by her then name and addition of Mary Lambert spinster of the second part And John Parker gentleman and John Ebbutt the younger of the third part writing that a marriage was being intended between me and my said late wife and that she was entitled to the sum of 2300 pounds then in the hands of John Lambert her brother and that it had been agreed between me and her that 800 pounds part thereof shall be paid to me to my own use and the remaining 1500 pounds laid out in the purchase of lands and hereditaments to be settled upon me and my said late wife and our issue, the said indenture witnessed that my said late wife with my consent thereby bargained transferred and set over unto the said John Parker and John Ebbutt the said 2300 pounds in trust for her my said wife until the marriage and after the solemnisation thereof out of the said 2300 pounds to raise and pay me 800 pounds for my own use and also with the consent in approbation of us all the survivor testified in writing in hand and seal to lay out and invest the said 1500 pounds in the purchase of land tenements and hereditaments in fee simple in possession in that part of Great Britain called England which were immediately after such purchase to be settled conveyed and assured unto the use of me for my life without impeachment of waste with the remainder to my said late wife for her life and after the deceased of the survivor to the use of all or any of the child or children of me and my said late wife to such estate and estates and in such shares and proportions if more than one as we jointly or as the survivor of us should by any deed or deeds writing or writings or by his or her last will and testament in writing to be signed and published in the presence of and attested by three or more credible witnesses limit direct and appoint as in and by the said in part recited indenture of settlement, relation being thereunto had, may more fully appear

And whereas soon after the date of this indenture a marriage was duly had solemnised between me and my said late wife and instead of having 2300 pounds cash in the hands of her said brother John Lambert she was entitled only to 2300 pounds consolidated 3% bank annuities standing in her name 800 pounds whereof was soon after transferred unto me for my own use and the remaining 1500pounds were in pursuance of the said recited indenture by her transferred unto the said John Parker and John Ebbutt contrasts and for the purposes aforesaid and are still standing in their names in the books get the banks that purpose and whereas my said late wife sometime since departed this life without we having made any joint appointment leaving issue by me now living only two sons namely William lee Strudwicke and Jeffery Lambert Strudwicke and whereas the said John Parker is lately dead leaving said John Ebbutt who is now living

Now I do by this my will in writing by me signed and published in the presence of and attested by three credible witnesses as well in pursuance of the said recited powers as all other powers enabling me thereto limit direct and appoint that the said John Ebbutt his heirs executors administrators and assigns shall from immediately after my decease stand and be possessed of the said sum of 1500 pounds bank consolidated annuities and interest thereof until the same shall be invested in the purchase of such lands tenements hereditaments as aforesaid entrust them my said sons William Lee Strudwicke and Jeffrey Lambert Strudwicke equally between them

And after such purchase shall be made as aforesaid that he the said John Ebbutt his heirs and assigns shall settle convey and assure the said lands and premises so to be purchased unto them my said two sons William Lee Strudwicke and Jeffrey Lambert Strudwicke equally to be divided between them and to their respective Heirs and assign forever as tenants in common and not as joint tenants

And I do hereby give and bequeath all my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever the same do consist, unto my present wife Catherine Strudwicke whom I make soul executrix of this my last will and testament and I do hereby grant the care tuition and guardianship of all my younger children unto her my said wife during their respective xxxxs

And I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made discharging this alone to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have unto this my last will and testament contained in two sheets of paper to the first sheet set my hand and to this last sheet my hand and seal this 23rd day of June in the year of our lord 1781 John Strudwicke signed sealed published and declared by the said testator Mr John Strudwicke as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto James Gipoven Carew Sanders Thos Smelt

Probatume . September 19,1781 to Catherine Strudwicke widow the relict.