
The will of Richard Strudweke of Kirdford 1570 Chichester wills Vol 10 Page 462

In the name of god the xxvth day of January in the yeare of our lord god 1570 I Richard Strudweke of Kyrdford in the Countie of Sussex beinge of perfect memory and sicke in body thanks be unto the almighty god make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge

ffirst I bequeath my soule to thalmyghty and most mercifull saviour my maker and redemer

Item I bequeath to the Cathedrall Churche of Chichester iiij d

Item to the poore mens boxe of Kyrdford xx s

Itm to John Allen my wives son in law the Steer that he hath in compynye of myne

Item I give to every one of John Allens children a ewe sheepe

Itm to John Hurst a herfer

Itm to Gregory Hurst a herfer

Item to Jane Hurst a herfer

Itm to mary holland an ewe & a lambe

Item to Robert mower a ewe and a lambe

Itm I doe forgeve margaret hocke x s that she owyht me

Itm I give to Alice my wife for and duringe her naturall life all that my pcell of land lyinge and being in the parish of Kyrdforde aforesaid comonly called five Style fold payinge the cheefe lord the rents and services therefore due and as accustomed

And after the decease of the said Alice I will the same land shall remaine to Henry strudweeke my brothers sonne and to theires of his bodye lawfully begotten for ever payinge the Cheefe lord of the ffee the rents and services therefore due and accustomed upon Condicon that the same henry or the heirs lawful Of his bodye if he have any at the death of the said Alice my wife shall yeld and pay unto John Shorte my Sisters sonne his executors or assignes tenne pounds of good and lawfull money of england

And if it happen the said Henry to decease wthout Issue of his body lawfully begotten then I will the same land called the five Style fold shall remaine to William Strudwyke my brother and to his heirs for ever soe that my full minde intent and meaninge is that he to whome soever that same Land happen first after my wives decease by force of this my last will shall paye the foresaid some of tenne pounds and that witthin three moonthes after the said shalbe reasonably and lawfully demanded

Itm I be give & bequeath unto the said Alice my wife for and duringe her naturall life all that my Tenemnt garden and Smithffordge situate lyinge and beinge in Kyrdford aforesaid and in Canterbury hould payinge the Cheefe Lorde or lords the ffee the rents and services therefore due and accustomed

and after my wives decease the same Tenement garden and Smiths forge shall remaine to William Strudwyke my brother for the whole terme of his life payinge the chefe lorde of the ffee the rents and services therefore due and accustomed

& after the decease of the said William I will the same Tenement garden and Smythesforge shall wholly remaine to Robert Strudweke son of the said William Strudweke to his heires and assignes for ever provided always that there be distributed and givenout of the profitts last reherse for the whole terme of tenne yeares next Comminge to the poore people of Kirdford five Shillings every yeare duringe the full terme of Tenne yeares and the first paiment thereof shall Comme and begin upon good friday next Comming and so every good friday after duringe the saide terme of tenne yeares

Itm where Thomas Allen hath willed his house and the furniture thereof to me yf John Allen dy without yssue of his body lawfully begotten I will the same shall remaine to my saide brother William Strudweke in as ample and as farre forthe as the said Thomas Allen hath willed the same unto me by his last will pforminge all things accordingly

All the rest of my goods and cattells moveables and unmoveables my debts paid and legacies performed I give and bequeath to the said Alice my wife whome I ordaine and make my sole executrix to see this my Last will or testament pformed Henry Slimmer Richard Gaygrave and my brother William Strudweke to be my overseers to whome I geve for every one of there paines x s

those being witnesses to this my Last will Thomas Lowes vicar of Arundale and Mr Taylor John Allen

Probate September 1571