
1559 Chichester wills Vol 10 Page 15b

Alice Strudwycke of Kirdford

In the name of God amen in the yere yere of our Lorde god 1559 the xxii nd Daye of September I Alice Strudwicke in the parishe of Kyrdeforde in the countie of Sussex wydowe Do ordayne and make thys my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge

ffyrst I bequethe my soule to almyghtie god and my bodye to be buryed in the churche yarde of Kyrdeford

I bequethe to the holie communion tabull in restitucion for tythe neglected or forgotten ij d

to the mother churche ij d

I will that Agnes and Dorethe shall have all myne apparell and all my lynen nap- to be devyded betwene them by equale portions

I wyll that the leases of my house shalbe made to the most advantage for the bringinge up of my two youngest children Thomas and Dorothe by dyscretion of Robert strudwicke and of Willm Elliott clarke

the Rest of all my goods I will to be Devided amongst my iiij chyldren Thomas and Dorothe Agnes and John by equall portions at thage of xxij yeres or at the Daye of their mariage

I wyll that thaye marye by the advyse of my overseers

I wyll that John my sonne shall be my executor that he wilbe rulled by Roberte Strydwycke and by Willm Elliott clarke or not to make or medle wythe all but Roberte Strydwike to be myne executor yf that John wyll not be Ruled

I will that Robet Strudwicke shall have the custodye of all and singular of my tyll that my chyldren be of thage of xxij yeres then John to receive hys parte at the same age and not before so anye one to receive hys parte as he come to the age yf that one or more of them do dye before thage of xxij years and unmaryed the other to have that parte or partes

I will that Robert Strudwicke shall unto John on all suche lands and goods as he the said John shall have to suche increase for the boyes profitt untyll the full age of xxij years as before – he shall make nor medle wyth no parte nor parcell thereof

I make my overseers Roberte Strydwyke and Willm Elliott my to see all my trust ys in them to see thys my last will & testament trulye performed

wittnesses John Allen Thomas – Willm Elliot clark to wytnes after me

Probate 13 May 1559