City of London Burials

City of London Burials search results   
Last NameFirst Name(s)Place of burialYear of burial
STRUDWICKAnnIndependent Chapel, Southwark1828
STRUDWICKDavidSt Clement Dane1818
STRUDWICKEdmund PeterTower Hamlets1849
STRUDWICKElizabeth AnnTower Hamlets1851
STRUDWICKHenryIndependent Chapel, Southwark1819
STRUDWICKJamesSpa Fields Burial Ground1840
STRUDWICKMarySt Sepulchre1813
STRUDWICKMarySt John Horsleydown1828
STRUDWICKMary AnnBunhill Fields1827
STRUDWICKThomasSt John Horsleydown1814
STRUDWICKThomasSpa Fields Burial Ground1828
STRUDWICKWilliamBunhill Fields1819
STRUDWICKWilliamSt Luke, Old Street1825