17th June 1741 Whittington by XXXXXX
To the Right Honourable Philip Lord Hardwicke Baron of Hardwicke in the County of Gloucester Lord High Chancellor of great Britain
Humbly Complaining show unto your lordship your Orator and Oratrix Henry Strudwick of the Parish of St James Westminster in the County of Middlesex Esquire and Mary xxxxx his wife late Mary Hanmer Spinster only daughter and Heir of Rees Hanmer late of Pentrepant in the County of Salop Esquire Deceased by Mary his wife since also deceased
That your Oratrix Mary in or about Hillary Term which was in the year of our Lord One thouseand seven Hundred and twenty eight being then an infant by her next friend exhibited her bill in this Honourable Court against Richard Puleston Gentleman (who had married the said Mary the Oratrix’s mother, after the death of your Oratrix’s said father He the said Richard being Administrator of the goods and Chattells of his said wife, who had possessed the personall estate of the said Rees Hanmer your Otatrix’s said late father after his death as administratrix to him, and had also as guardian to your Oratrix received the rents and proffits of his reall estate) to have an account of the said severall estates of your Oratrix and late father and to have the same put under the care and direction of this Honourable Court during your Oratrix’s minority
To which bill the said Defendant put in his answer and the said cause comming on to be heard on the fifteenth day of February one thousand seven hundred and thirty
An account was then directed to go to her of the said severall estates and also an account of the debts owing by your Oratrixs said father at the time of his death
And the master to whom the said account was referred was directed to see what was proven to be allowed for your Oratrixs maintenance and Education during her minority
And the receiver before appointed by this Court to receive the rents and proffits of the said reall Estate was directed to account for the same before the said master
And Severall directiond were given touching the future management of the said Estate and the application and disposal thereof
And all parties were to have their costs out of said estate
And your oratrix and Orator further show unto your Lordship that Mr Spicer the Master to whom the said accounts were referred having taken the same on the twenty third day of December one Thousand seven hundred and Thirty four made his report in the said cause and having therein stated the said severall accounts found there was due to the Defendant Mr Puleston from your Oratrixs estate to balance the said account including his costs four hundred and eighty pounds six shillings and two pence over and besides one hundred and fourty two pounds due by judgement And the said Master settled the allowances for your Oratrixes maintenance at seventy pounds per annum
Which report being afterwards absolutely confirmed proper directions were given therein by this Honourable Court and the receivers of the said Estate have since passed their accounts for the said estates before the said master for some time And the accounts for about three years last past are lately brought before the said Master but are not yet passed
And your Oratrix having attained her age of TwentyOne years is since Intermarryed with your Orator Henry Strudwick whereby the said suit, (as they are advised) is abated
And your Orator and Oratrix are thereby disabled from pressing the said receiver to pass his account for the proffits of the estate since the bringing of his former accounts, or to pay in the ballance thereof, or to pay the further direction of this Honourable Court touching the said estate or the produce thereof, untill the said suit shall be revived.
To the end therefore that the said suit may be revived and stand and be in the same plight and condition as the same was in at the time of the marriage of your Oratrix May it please your Lordship to Grant unto your orator and oratrix his Majesties Writt of sub peona to revive, to be directed to the said Richard Puleston thereby commanding him at a certain day and under a certain pain therein to be limitted personally to be and appear before your Lordship in the High and Honourable Court of Chancery then and there to show cause if he can why the said suit also the proceedings therein should not stand revived and in their same plight and condition as the same were in at the time of the marriage of your oratrix as aforesaid
and your Orator and oratrix shall ever pray yours